Friday, April 26, 2019

Real Women Don't Lie

Doris Taylor-Burks
I'm amazed at the length some people will go to steal. Politics is all about winning. Many people will try to win at any cost. While flipping through the television channels, I came across a brief television panel on District 6. That district must include the downtown area. She was interviewing a business owner from there. The reason why I said that she would do anything to steal, because she tried to tell the man that there was criminal activity going on in the Pontiac Downtown. The man, along with a law enforcement agent. They tried to make it clear that Downtown Pontiac is fine. Any criminal activity down there was minor and like any city with a downtown. Minor incidents, such as petty larceny and arguments and very little physical altercations that didn't lead to much. She insisted that there are rumors circulating, and her friends who don't live here, won't come to the city. Because of the gossip we're losing out on possible growth. In other words, we here in Pontiac have a bad reputation. She is trying to make the Mayor look bad, but that is the stupidest thing I've ever seen from a PhD.

If you worked at a business, because that's what the city is, a business. You have the head of a specific department, like Taylor-Burks is the leader of District 6. That leader then goes on television and tells the entire city, including some outsiders, how bad their department is,  in their effort to "clear up" the situation. Bringing on a police officer and business owner to reiterate your point that the department is bad. But the kicker is that the two people you thought would support your view, actually do not agree with you. They in turn, explain to you and "clears up", your negative point-of-view about your own department. I just sat looking at the television and thought, "Just like Council Meetings" she has done zero research or effort to find out the truth, and is relying on the rumors by others. She has no idea what is going on in her own district, and a person that is outside the city had to sit and explain to her about the truth. The truth is a far cry from our city's downtown being dangerous or a den for crime.

That is the same rhetoric they tried to spill in the marijuana initiative in Pontiac. Our downtown is quiet as a church-mouse. Even when 4Brothers was popping down there, there was little "trouble" downtown. There is very little downtown to do that isn't a special event. What Taylor-Burks is in an essence doing is scaring the businesses away that may want to start a business, or patrons wanting to visit stay away. What the men being interviewed should have clarified is that the downtown is safe, and will soon be safer with the introduction of a "blue light" initiative that is similar to Detroit's "green light" initiative. A program that has led to a substantial drop in crime in the neighborhoods in Detroit. They also do a great deal to assist cops after a crime has been committed. It gives them a timeline, the players. You know, who, what, when and where? It is very good for particular areas in a city that are troublesome, or like or downtown, coveted. People visiting can feel safe knowing that we have a security system in place, and that deters criminals from committing crimes against our citizen and patrons from different cities. But the men, including the law enforcement officer had to set her straight on all the issues at hand. What information I got that was good and positive about the city came from them, and neither live here, but Taylor-Burks does.

How come she couldn't be as insightful and knowledgeable about her own city as those two men were? But our City Council does the same exact thing. Last minute reading of the agenda and notes from the weeks before. Agenda items that they have pushed back, claiming the Mayor didn't get it to them on time. In reality, they had it and put their jobs as Council Member last. I have examples, and I don't have to go too far back. The Week of April 16, there was a Special Meeting concerning the budget. There was specific things that the Council wanted to have to view before voting, and wanted the Mayor to get it at that moment. Well, the Mayor said that she couldn't get it at that time. They knew about this meeting, and had the agenda for enough time to have asked for that information in advance. The entire Council acted as The Mayor and her administration had failed to do their job. When it was the Council who didn't do their homework and read the information in the packet or knew the agenda to know what they would be voting on. Then they needed to set a specific ordinance on the budget, but their new lawyer had to write that up in five minutes. 

They wanted this lawyer, because I guess she is willing to put up with the derelict ways. Because there is no way, they should be writing ordinances at the spare of the moment as they come up. This Sharp lady was more angry with the Mayor, at the last meeting than the "Johnny come Lately" Council who are ill-prepared for every meeting. But they had to get that money in order. Taylor-Burks and Kermit Williams don't want anyone being able to steal and they can't get in on the money. They "on the fly" passed an ordinance that forbid any expenditures more than $10K to have to come through a Council vote. I think Sharp wrote it on Kermit Williams napkin from his McDonald's order. If they had read their agenda and knew what they were doing, they would have had all that prepared before the meeting, and people all over the world wouldn't know how "sorry" our Council is under the leadership of Kermit Williams. Whose total disrespect for the Mayor has trickled to their new crony Sharp and the City Clerk. Who we found out is an Interim Clerk that's not allowed by the City Charter, but who the Council allows, but won't allow the Mayor a Finance Director under the same Charter. 

When Williams shut the Mayor down and she and her administration left the meeting, I was so glad. She doesn't have to tolerate their disrespect. I wouldn't go back. That Sharp lady addressed her as "She a lie". Who is "She"? You mean our Mayor? The woman that was the partner to one of our great leaders. The doctor? And let me tell you becoming a doctor when she did, Black and a woman wasn't even easy. I just pray... Who will challenge her with a "She"? All of this because Kermit Williams can't steal from us. And I tell you that's what this is all about, GREED! I reserve the right as a citizen to call it that. People that work for us, totally disrespecting us, the city and the process. We should ask for more and get it. Because we deserve it after coming out of receivership and being able to manage our money. People that work for us, should not have to be convinced that it is safe to live here, because they disagree with our Mayor. We must fight the dying of the light, and live to fight another day. First, however, we have to take out the garbage, since Kermit Williams can not!

Garbage that sat on Paddock off Sanford for weeks
Kermit Williams District 7