Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Jeanette Perry is Scary

I met Jonathan Chambers at 11-years old. I think he was 12-years old. We attended Jefferson Jr. High School. I lived in The Projects, he lived in a ritzy property behind the school. He was popular for all the right reasons and I was popular for all the wrong ones. He had a regular girlfriend and I had no one, but I did have friends. We hung out and went to the basketball games and I used to see him there. I was interested, but not enthralled. The last man I had was 62-years old and my mother, when I was seven thought he was fine. I can wait forever for a man, but I did not wait for him. I spent some nights with him, but when his brother discovered I was "clean", I was no longer welcome. I also was ostracized by his then girlfriend, now wife. I felt uncomfortable for a short time and got over it. He wanted to be a policeman back then and didn't make it. Then he got a job as a security guard, a job wanna-be-cops do. He put me on the back burner. He no longer followed me to Rio de. When I said that I was going to the club, and was on the dance floor, I no longer looked into the crowd and found a six-foot tall man with a high-top fade. A month passed and it had only been three. I had left Drew and wrote him a letter about Jon. He says that he still has it. Funny...

The next time I was at the "De O Rio" and Jon showed up, the woman I hung with acted like a nut. Lifting my feet off the chair I was resting them in and slamming them to the floor and sitting down. I had just been on my feet for eight hours. I didn't get it. I have never been man crazy and men have always been crazy about me. I never even thought about the idea that he worked at the mall and so did she. I had been out there, while she was working and he stood talking to me. He had pointed to her and said, "I know where you're going. You're going to get the mail." She smiled and walked away; happy. I rolled my eyes, because he had asked me where I was going. I was still stuck on that. I hadn't seen him in a month, it was none of his "Got damn business where I was going." My expression let him know. So, he did a pop up at Rio de, to show he still cared? Whatever... On our way home one night, I asked my friend to take me to his house. This woman that worked at the mall was in the back seat. She demanded that she needed to use the bathroom, and I finally got it. Still, I got pregnant a few weeks later.

Now, he claims today that he wasn't the father of my child. He had one and mine was possibly his second. I have this RH-Factor thing. If my child's father has positive blood, my body attacks it and kills it. The crooked police want to say that I had an abortion and that's why my body built up these anti-bodies. I've never had an abortion in my life, because I never had to. My body does it for me. Negative blood is so rare, people call us aliens. This was a hard way to go, because a doctor had verified it and I was an emotional wreck. I had an hysterical pregnancy out of this world and was branded "crazy", because my body is its own little gas chamber, no pun intended. He either moved on with Jeanette Perry or was going with her the entire time, but she got salty. It was her best friend Regina Press that took her child into an aisle at had him saying loudly, "Mommy...Mommy!" I never loved Jon. In fact, I was too young to even know what love was supposed to be. I had no example of how it all worked, and neither did he. He was the youngest of five and was spoiled. I was the second-youngest of five. We were 20 and 22 years old and had did nothing and could care less. He had sisters that took care of him. One of which this is all about!

I could never take care of a man and allow him to work, of-and on. You either work or we don't eat, because I didn't want to do anything, and quit my jobs every year when the weather broke. If a woman can take care of a man, I guess she should. I never would. It was his goal to turn me out. I would never get involved in anything that was illegal and his family was involved in all kinds of mess. I was being used and it wasn't obvious them, but it is now. Her friend who we call Genie in the hood lived right around the corner from me on Cottage. I knew they were petty and belong in the "Light-Skinned Black Girls Club". I am darker than a paper bag by about one shade. Back at Pontiac Central (PCH) Jeanette ran for Princess and lost to Shani Bush. Regina and Jeanette wrote this derogatory story about Shani. One of them or both of them were writers or editors for the school newspaper. I think they called her a "Knife totting", so-and-so. She didn't deserve to win. She might not have been light-skinned, but she was popular her and all her friends. They were cowards and never said publicly that they did it. Even back then I knew who it was. When I walked into the Youth Recreation Center last summer Genie didn't speak. I had spoken to her, because the last time we saw one another she was friendly. I knew, however, her entire family held a grudge about her best friend's man, Jon. Even if they were divorced, separated or something else. Whenever I saw him, he never acted married, anyway. She turned her nose up at me in the atrium and said, "Oh, I didn't see you. I was too busy looking at your hair."

I replied with a "Yes, my messy Mohawk." She didn't hear me, because she was reeling in a ball of jealousy. I don't know why, this time. It has been almost 30-years. I am all mixed up in another scandal with another man for close to 19-years. It's not even fresh like the Shani Bush thing. She and Jeanette are just bitter. I hear Jeanette is with another popular man from back in the day. Whose sister is in the "Light-Skinned Girls Club". When I spoke Genie, she was getting over cancer. I thought that it had changed her, but nope. She's still an incurable envious person. I could go on about her and her personal life, but that would make me just as petty. She stick by her friend as she should. Her sister does, too, and was sending my man hearts and kisses back in 2010. While asking me if I know her man. I wanted to tell her "No, but you know mine, and stop sending him those fake hearts and kisses on Facebook." She is married to a French now. Marlo Perry, I hope she is happy and I'm glad they have stopped that practice on Facebook. He is a great catch and one of the most eligible bachelor's in Michigan. He's mine, however, and all of you half-way pretty "girls" can just back off. It's not that easy. I want to list them by name, but again, I'm trying not to be messy!

The reason I'm writing this is because I hear Jeanette is talking about me. Maybe a favor for the crooked fraction of the police. She's still doing favors for her in-laws and follows me to Walmart. She most owe them, or better yet, they have something on her. Either way, it has been far too long for her to have my name in her mouth. My present guy's ex, hung around about 10-months. It's been almost 30-years! That's why she's scary. But I used to see her driving down Woodward looking for Jon at seven in the morning. I don't know if she was looking for her husband or me and her husband, but the chick is an air-head and believes what people put in her mind. She actually thought I was going to hurt her for marrying Jon. Following me to Walmart and thinking I am going to attack her, would make me insane. I feel sorry for her, because it took her 25-years to find out what I knew the summer of 1991. She used to come into Sears where I work. There was so many stores in the Tri-county area. She would always walk into mine, and when I was working. Twice, she has come into Walmart where I shop, at the same time I was there. I have no idea where she lives. I have no idea where she works or worked. I had and have no desire to know either. I've never spoken to her, or even acknowledged her for 30-years. 

When she gave birth to her son with Jon, her family bought him into Sears. They followed me to the grocery store and held the baby where I could see it. I laughed out loud, because, unless I'm alone, I'm with my mother. I was alone and it was about three of them and who I assume was her mother. I started singing. "Do you know about us back then? Do you know I got your husband girlfriend. I'm not thinking 'bout him. But you married him..." My friend Patricia tried to get me to 'leave Jon alone'" Only I never bothered him, and was bothering the father of my child. No more than he bothered me. Sometimes, you can't get a woman pregnant and walk away, and let the situation take care of itself. Sometimes there are problems. Problems a man can handle, but a boy can't. You got to talk to my brother about that. He followed me to the club! Rode past my house, too. Nothing wrong with that. I was carrying his child! Even had his nerves to follow me when he was screwing a girl I was hanging with! She said he had "moved on". He couldn't move on from me. I dealt with all the drama of my RH-Factor all by myself and I did it poorly. He was a boy and not a man. Denying me now is a solid that he still hasn't grown up! These jealous-hearted, evil and revile women think they can make my life miserable. They are miserable and should just lift their heads high, like I'm going to do, and keep it moving. The idea that this woman comes anywhere near me lets me know I'm winning. The idea that my hair is the bane of a loathsome woman's soul is hilarious to me. I know all the players and no....I don't want none of your nasty ribs!