There is now this huge issue going on with the city of Pontiac and the kids who were locked in a horror house. Their mother, just 29 years old when she left them, is now in the Oakland County jail on a 250-million-dollar bond. I had written my favorite news man to ask him to check the records and see if she had ever been in the Oakland County Jail (OCJ). I was thinking that she might be one of their girls. When I saw her on the news, she had weave in her hair. When she went for her arraignment, they had cut all the weave out her head. I was shocked, because when they go to prostitute you in there, they let you keep your weave and fake ponies so you look when turning tricks in the jail. I will not be fooled. I told my friend last night that all those $250 million dollars is just for show. Once the media drops the ball, she’s going to be turning tricks in jail. If she hasn’t turned tricks for them, before. People forget really easily around here.
I told my brother-in-law about it. He’s a YouTube addict, so he hadn’t heard. I was like, “The landlord did a welfare check”. He called the police before he started the eviction process. My brother-in-law asked. Everybody knows these slumlords in Pontiac. If you haven’t paid the rent in four (4) months, they don’t care if you’re alive or dead, they want their money. Who calls the police if you ain’t got your rent money? Your man would, if you were missing. Because what woman, do we all know that would lock her kids away and then pay the rent, every month for five years? It was a “Pay to play” thing. In obviously the landlord was emotionally involved, because he called the police for a welfare check and didn’t go to the 50th District Court to start an eviction. He was either sincere about his feelings for her and/or upset she had stayed away so long. Everybody is upset about the family not knowing. I want to know why the landlord didn’t know. I think he did know. I don’t care about the condition of that apartment, love is blind! He probably was under her spell worse than them kids were. I still think they are retarded or something. Who lives like that? This woman is a master manipulator.
You know I have “beef” with both the city and the Sheriff’s Department. At this point, I want to believe the are both at fault. Nobody can’t tell me she did all this with no help, if you knew or didn’t know you helped. I know those city inspectors want money. One came to court for my landlord to declare the property unfit and to put me out in 24-hours. I have been begging the city to come inspect my apartment, but it’s a money grab. When these young women get into the city’s inspectors for who for a price will do whatever, for whoever. I know my landlord is a “slumlord”. He’s been ignoring the city’s letters, and in my case, paying them off for years. Wherever there is money to be made in any racket in Pontiac, the Police are always there to get their share.
So, when you think about city business you have got to think about the Sheriff’s Department. When you think about a woman that is having sex in exchange for five years’ worth of rent, I think of OCSD. The prostitution doesn’t end in the jail, they use these women all over the place. They get jobs at McDonald’s the deputies get free food. A job at Meijer or Walmart, free groceries. This woman worked at UWM over on South Boulevard where the city has a lot of their programs. Everything in Pontiac is a racketeer. This situation with these kids is no different. For a time this young woman worked for the mortgage company, but the most of her time was spent in hotels and motels turning tricks for her pimps, Oakland County Sheriffs. They gotta let her go or she turns into a Federal snitch. If she’s not already one! They are sitting back watching this and believe me, I know. They let Alice go and she was involved in murder! She was a pod-boss, that means she ran the girls. Now, she runs the streets, again.
It’s a money grab. Some of their women are dead, Tammy Dewberry, Debra Jones and Kim McCowen; dead. You watch who they put on television, too. See if they’ve ever spent time in OCJ. Those women will say and do whatever those deputies want. Just ask Garry Jackson. That young woman is a victim, a victim of the racket that spreads all across this state. Her children’s living conditions were the direct circumstances of her victimization in the Oakland County Jail. They ain’t fooling me by cutting that weave out her hair, because I know they can save it. I know deputy “so and so”, can go get it. I also know that Kim can braid hair through a food slot. She can catch hair small as a grain of rice. You all just don’t know what happens after a bad court hearing. How does the Bible read, “Weeping may endure for a night…” Start asking yourself the real questions, like for one… “Where has this young woman been?” When you can answer that question, you will know what happen to those kids, and don’t go listen to those well dressed, well spoken White women on television. They probably sell those kids in their organization like rich old perverts in Hollywood. Everyone is marketable in a racket. People in Hollywood aren’t the only ones that sell kids… You can’t make this stuff up!
Garry Jackson: