Monday, March 3, 2025

Three Kids and a Racket II

Allow me to introduce myself. I am Lesley Stanley, on the web, I’m known “Yaktownlaisly”. In 2002, I was arrested for stalking my friend from high school. He was a detective with the Pontiac Police Department. I hadn’t stalked him, but “Pancho”, also known as Paul McDougal, beat my best friend three decades ago, now. Back then it was only one. I’ve been fighting the police for 23 years. When I found guilty of stalking my friend in a bench trial, never have a bench trial, it’s a slow plea. I violated the probation and went to prison for four years in what was supposed to be a 90-day sentence. I had already done three weeks of those 90-days when I was unfairly sentenced to 18 months to 5 years in prison. Most people, besides Oakland County Sheriff "girls" do quite a bit of time going back and forth to jail, before they reach the prison gates. I was special. I refused to submit to he Oakland County Racket. They believed they could change me. I will not be moved. I belong to God, and I will not willingly go against his will in my life.

I did four years in prison for doing nothing. I saved a life, two lives and although I grieve the years I lost, I’m not sorry for it even if sometimes I cry and become angry. I know it was God’s will, and I must move passed it to be whole. So, I came home, and “Pancho” wouldn’t leave me alone. I went to tell the Chief of Police at the time, and he accused me of stalking him. I went to jail but posted a bond. At my preliminary hearing, I was hit because I had to get a tether. It’s a law now, all stalkers when free must wear a tether, untilntheir case is over. After the tether people took my mother’s money for money owed before I went to prison in 2004, it was now 2010, I went back to 50th District Court and turned myself in and went to jail that night. While there, I discovered the deputies were running a prostitution ring out of the jail clinic. They were selling women out the jail, and Payne, Brown and Kendall had sex parties in the gym. I mean straight up having sex, strippers, dancers and erotica. These men and women were special, mostly Trustee and people they had in Disciplinary. The men and women who engaged in these acts did so by looking at our pictures on the Oakland County website, and the inmates page where people can go and look-up people who are in jail. It’s meant to help families find lost loved ones, get out court dated, charges and bond amounts. The pimps-deputies-use it for showcasing who is available for sex. If they choose someone not housed in the right pod, they can get other inmates to start a fight. Then the selected one is moved to the right pod to be pimped out. I was in the right pod, disciplinary, and I had been picked a lot from my mugshot, but I wasn’t having been pimped. I hadn’t done anything to anyone. I was just making a complaint to an old friend who now claims he only knew me “from around the way”. So, I digress. The women, however, tried to embarrass me, yelling “stalker” across the pod, and they were calling out for me. They tried to berate me and make me feel hopeless and defeated. These women help the deputies enlist women in the game with lies a scare tactics. I was rarely called by my name by the other inmates. It was always “stalker”. When some was talking to me, they were trying to tell me I was going back to prison for a long time, because it’s the same crime I had committed before. It’s called “Habitual”. One of the best reasons to stop fighting your case is to take it to the clinic and start your life of prostitution. The jail is not where it ends. You will be able to start your new life outside of the jail. They told my girl Sal after she violated probation she was going to do 19-years in prison. I guess the chaplain missed her. It was just a scare tactic to have her prostitute, but she didn't know that. They gave her a cellmate to help her, because she was so scared and riddled with anxiety. When her bunky went to court, Sal hung herself.

Kelli Bryant is not a victim. She is the subject of the Oakland County Jail (OCJ) Effect. I don’t know if she has ever been to jail or not, but when I saw her story, I just knew this had something to do with the OCSD. Now, that I’ve looked at her Facebook pages I know she’s a sex worker. Her friends on her page are also involved with the industry. I told you the prostitution doesn’t end in the jail. They get these women jobs when they get out in the racket. Kelli Bryant is beautiful and the perfect candidate for being sold in the US and Canada. She was desperate living with those kids trying to make ends meet. The same kind of women that called me a stalker, told me that I would go to prison for a long time, tried to make me gay and keep me up all night got to her. They made her feel that the life of a sex worker was “the life”. They never told her what she had to give up. Everyone is saying she was abused by her boyfriend or raped by her father. No, Kelli Bryant has a weak mind and has given into the pressure and has thrown up her hands and said “F*ck it!” They build a comradery. When I was in jail, they’d be in the pod hugging and kissing and doing one another’s hair. You could smell the hair burning through the vents the Friday of one of Paynes parties. It’s just these young women are looking for. Somebody loves them. They believed their children would do it, but that’s too much work. When they are old and tired of running the streets and whoring their children will still love them unconditionally, but they won’t deserve it! Her father has them now, but he knew what was going on with her. He worked at Community Network Services (CNS). Remember, I said it would never end. Many women in jail are addicted, because they are self-medicating. Once they get in jail, they can get the medication they need, But some lies to use the medication to continue getting high Since they can’t get real drugs in jail, sometimes. The head ones, the girls who make them the most money get drugs. All you gotta do is be one of their moneymakers and you can get high. That’s the reason Jackson got it. If he found an inmate with drugs they caught a charge.

Kelli Bryant’s father worked at CNS. That’s who helped the women once they get out of jail. James Patton, the CNS worker over intake ran the girl who went to CNS for mental health treatment. For whatever reason, looking at Kelli Bryant’s Facebook page, she and her father stayed in touch over the years and people I talk to are convinced he knew what was going on for years. I will take it a step further and say not only did he know his grandkids were in that house, but he knew she was a sex worker. Patton has hit up every man at CNS to pay for a bl*w j*b. In fact, he was at R7 laundry mat hustling a couple of Mexican men to buy sex from him. He was eying me for a potential position, but I wanted to tell him that I had been tried before with no successful results. This Patton man has worked there for many years catching the sex worker OCJ passed along when they were finished with them. Everyone wants to know how the father got the kids. Mr. Terrance Bryant, “Greeter”. The racket includes the women and men of MDHHS. CPS in Pontiac will take the children of women who don’t cooperate with the OCJ Program. In this case, they put those kids with the grandfather, Mr. Terrance Bryant. They could be threatening to take those kids and put them in “the system”, if he even thinks about telling people in law enforcement. At any moment the State can come and take them away from him.They want to say Kelli Bryant is mentally ill. Her father has friends in the industry. I know two White women who killed Black men and got a Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity (NGRI), Oakland County is very racist. . Instead of doing Life, which in this case is supposed to be 20 years, but I don’t know her record. She would become a sex worker at the Forensic Center, first. After a couple of years, they go to a stepdown at Caro or Kalamazoo and continue prostitution there. You’ll find those girls everywhere, but mostly you can find them in the strip club, like one of Payne’s freak parties on the county’s pay week. You gotta believe these women are serious. Look what I found on her page!