I never really cared. I was different. I still had friends. They loved me. We
hung out and had fun. There no big hiccups, until 1991. Oh, I met Patricia in
1991. Pancho's baby-mama in 1991, but I also started sleepin with a man I knew
for years. Ironically, and you can't make this stuff up, his sister was a
seargent with the Pontiac Police Department. Their family had a home on the
Southside where he lived with his brother. One night, we were all hanging out. I
was sitting at the kitchen table eating popcorn and drinking a beer, and his
brother was outside pacing the patio. Ocassionally, he would glance in my
direction with a desperate look on his face. When I didn't return his desperate
glance, he continued his pacing. I continued chomping on my snack. His brother,
my partner, stood at the sink watching dishes and laughing at his brother. He
knew my secret. When he finished cleaning the kitchen, and I had finished my
meal, he motioned for me to come with him to the basement and we left the
kitchen. A few weeks went by and by this time, his brother had found out my
secret. I did not use drugs. All that pacing and those looks were impatience. He
wanted to know when were we going to start getting high, because he was ready.
After that, his brother didn't want me around. Once my partner pulled up in
their work truck and she told me that it wasn't him. I saw his silouhette it was
him, but she wanted me gone. She wasn't about to let me ruin their night of
partying. I got in the car with my friend, and we took off. Closer to the end of
summer, when the romance was dying down, I was there. The brother knocked at the
door to his room. There had been a phone call from a neighbor and the brother's
truck was being repossessed. I heard the diesal motor and the chains clinking,
but I dared not to go to the window to take a peek. Now, he's at the door,
asking to use his SUV for a job. It's what he said when asking for the vehicle
that changed the course of my life to this point. He said, "I'm going to go get
the $2,500 from Boo later on." I thought to myself, "Boo, the drug dealer, Boo?"
I thought, "What is a police seargents brother doing going to get money from a
drug dealer?" Then, I found out his girlfriend is the drug dealers first-cousin.
Interesting to say the least. This hit me like a ton of bricks. I just lay there
and became stiff. My partner obviously felt my exhilaration and stopped his
brother, before he told anymore family secrets and asked him if he wanter to use
his automobile. He replied, "Yes." My partner also lay there, and you could feel
the tension in the room. We never spoke on it. More time passed and our relation
became strained. The summer days were coming to an end. He didn't get his dream
job, and I got a job. I didn't see him much and he eventually got a job. When it
got bad it got bad. Since he was never home, I would call and ask him where he
had been. One day he said he was busy or something and he couldn't talk. We hung
up, and I got in my car and rode passed his house to see why he was busy. His
mother's car was in the driveway. I knew, she was laying down the law, because
his brother and his girlftiend were out for a walk in the darkness. As I was
slowly creeping passed the house, I saw them and the saw me. The brother looked
at me with a shock and curious glare, and that's how I became a stalker. I
did other little things as the weeks went on, but I found out I was pregnant. I
was youn and felt entitled to make him miserable. He had moved on from me was
sleeping with the biggest tart in Pontiac, plus he was having sex with a young
woman I hung out with every Thursday, and who had slept with two of the three
men I had been with.
But all of that was after the chance meeting with his brother in the dark.
Before, I had even gotten pregnant, all of his indiscretions were discover. In
bestween the "situations", my sister from Detroit and I got into an argument
and she scream at me, "That's why you stalking..." I looked at her like she
was crazy and shouted, "What?" To tell the truth, I really didn't know what
that word really meant in legal terms, but I knew it was something I wasn't
doing, because I was with him, just not as much as I wanted to be. He had
never told me I was bothering him at that time. All the bad stuff came later
on. That was the first time I knew I was a problem. We talked when we could,
and he was still following me to the club or he would be at the club. After a
while, he was having sex with the girl I was hanging with and he could be
coming to see her. I don't She gotknow, but it never got that serious for me.
It was Autumn, now. I was a few weeks pregnant and didn't even know. What I
did know was his brother was going to get money from a drug dealer. His
girlfriend is his first cousin and I'm not addicted. Furthermore, his sister,
the seargeant was on patrol the night my cousin's husband was murdered on
Bagley School's playground. I had to be something. So, to them, a stalker was
ideal. I miscarried, due to a genetic problem with my blood type, and went
into a depression that lasted a long time. That was 1991. My cousin came and
saved me in 1994. She did my nails, my friend braided my hair and I was back.
I was 60 pound heavier, but I was back. I was, however, back on their radar. I
went to work at Sears at Summit Place Mall. That's when I found out about the
theft ring. My partner didn't come in there, but his brother was in there all
the time. His girlfriend was now his wife, and he was signing his name for the
replacement employee discount card, and he didn't even work there, at least he
wasn't coming to work regularly. I never saw him. I just work happy to be
amongst the living. My "victim", Steve came to see me a few times while I was
working there. We would stand a talk awhile. I would never steal, because I
felt stealing was the reason that I was depressed and held up in the house all
them years. I thought God was angry with me and had punished me for all I had
stolen. That had me into it with most of the employees, because they were in
an organized theft ring that had been going on for years. They would steal
large amount of everything, clothes, tools, treadmills, appliances, lawn
mowers, tracker, you name it, they stole it. A woman that worked in small
appliances, husband bought a Sears franchise, "Up North", and they sold the
stuff up there. They made multiple sign that they took up there to put on the
merchandis. We got a new manager and when she had to make signs for the week
she got so stressed, because the program woul make so many. The same was true
with the music section. The lady would think she had everything placed
properly on the tape wall and two days later, she would get fore boxes of
tapes. She asked me why the manager ordered so many. I didn;t know, because I
wasn't stealing. Ichool t involved some of Pontiac's important people. There
was the Pontiac Police, Fire Fighters, School Board members, Preachers and the
most popular people in the city. It included mothers, wives, daughters,
confidential informants, there kids and others.
I left there around 1995. I worked I went to Concord, you know, it became
Rite-Aid, that closed all of it's Miichigan stores.They were supplying the
barbers in Pontiac with all their barber supplies and the Night Riders with
all their alcohol. I would talk to the owner of Concord and he asked me why
was the back door always open. I told him that's how the people got the stuff
they were stealing. They took it out the back door. He said the security
company called him every night to tell him the back door was ajar. I did a
little dirt there. Then I went to HQ. I sat where Costco is now. The same cast
of characters came in there that were in Sears. Same things went on, but now
they are building entire houses. Refurbishing kitchens and laying floors,
building play sets for kids and getting rich in the process. Do you know what
it takes to build a house? A lot... You ain't paying the store, your paying
the manager who runs that department. I was watching Brandi, today on
Facebook. I posted that she got involved with "The Illuminati" or whatever it
is, when she caught that vehicular homicide case. I believe that, because one
morning I was on my way to work at HQ, and pulled out on Telegraph to make a
left-hand turn and this man hit me. My face hit the windshield and I was
passed out for a moment. I woke up, and there was an older man rushing towards
me to get in my car. he yelled, "You passed out! Get back in the car!!!" The
man who hit me was walking towards me holding his wrist. He was a
professional. He hit people for a living. He sued my insurance company for his
wrist injury. That's how I know. The police came immediately. A young officer,
offered to take me home. I went my car no longer worked. I called he insurance
company later on. and got this real snooty lady with an attitude. She told me
that anytime you come out in traffick like that you are wrong. I was upset,
because I had cleared all three lanes. He hit me in the left hand turning
lane. She said that was fine, because when I pulled out in traffic he is
allowed to do whatever needed to avoid hitting me. I was like, "Including
hitting me? He swerved into me, not away from me!" She was so nasy, I just
hung up. I know now they can let the phone ring as many time as they want to
get you to the operator they want you to talk to. That accident is the reason
I believe Brandi was set-up. She's not the only celebrity that been in that
kind of accident. Kaitlyn Jenner, Bruce Jenner, also was in an accident where
someone died. You know how the Kardashian's feel about him/her. You know how
Kim is down with Diddy. The racket in Pontiac fashion themselves after Diddy.
Or whoever is running the racket that is Hollywood. I could have lost my job.
I wasn't stealing at HQ, either. They needed to have a few days without me so
they could make some major moves. A friend offered to take me to work a couple
of days, until I bought a car. He's now a drug dealin PhD. He claims to be
uplift our people for the better good. He doesn't talk to me anymore. Guess
who was a fixture at HQ. Yep, the brother of my partner that first called me a
stalker. This time, however, my partner was coming in, too. I went to work for
Girl Scout, found out they pimp little girls for Girl Scout cookie money.
Turned her in, lost my job. The police helped her put me in jail, when she
didn't want me to throw a party for the girls at Jefferson. only this time it
was a Pontiac Cab that hit me. Watch out for them cabs, they don't drive old
police cars for nothing.
I did temp work for awhile after Girl Scouts. I have a whole blog on Adrian
Burn on my Yaktownlaisly blog. She was something else came into Pontiac and
fit right in. It was the Walter Moore Days in 1997-98. The rules were easy,
"Get what you can while you can get it". She tried it with me. I laugh when I
think of her. She was the worst kind of addict. She used our kids and the City
of pontiac was all for it. I got out of that. too. Then came the roughest
years. My brother was indicted September 15, 1998. They came and got him from
his house that morning. He spent a year in jail, and I went back to work at
Sears that November. Judge Mester let him go. Gorcyca the Prosecutor at the
time, appealed the dismissal to a higher court. Now, it's 2001. It took a
couple of years to get the decision. In the mean time, I decide to call Steve.
Like I said in the first blog, I didn't know the PPD had taken over the Feds
wires on our phone. All the discovery in my brother case was the FBI's. The
Pontiac Police hadn't done any investigation his indictment. It was all FBI.
Let me tell you, the Feds investigate. They had my brother at 17 years old
standing on the street selling drugs. They went waaaay back. Had pictures of
me that I don't remember the clothes I was wearing. They get the job done!
They kept listening, not because they were investigating they wanted to know
what my brother was doing. Who he was talking to, and if he was going to
snitch them out. They are still listening, but I've done so much. The Feds
wanted to know how those seven men could run drugs in the city so long. We all
knew. We knew them by name. To me the Feds were acting ignorant. There ain't
nothing they don't know. Steve and I were found out quick. Even if we had
never done anything. We talked maybe twice. The first time on 9-11, 20 minutes
before the first tower fell or after. I really don't remeber. When Pancho
found out, he was livid. I guess he went to my partners sister, who is
implicated in a murder, and who is truly helping my brother and his friends
deal drugs in the city. Pancho and the sister decide that they would end
Steve's and my relationship by making him say I'm a stalker. How could they do
this you ask? Steve had just been promoted. He had a sick mother and Pancho
and the sister would make it seem like he was the one helping my brother and
his friends sell their drugs. He had talked to me twice on the phone. Sure
we've known one another 22 years, but I was nothing to him. After the way they
railroaded me, I believe they would have put him in prison. Prison is no place
for a cop. The letters I had written him were harmless. They made them semm
like the Screw Tape Letters, letters from the devil to his apprentices. I've
haven't had many lovers, but I will drag every one of them to court to prove
that I never, ever did anything to them. Believe me, Pancho has looked for
every one of them got people to talk to them or he talked to them himself,
because a few of them are his "kind". I'm smart...I is beautiful. I have all
the confidence in the world. I don't need to stalk a man. All my men still
love me! Not one of them are scared of me or got a creepy story to tell. Not
even my partner in this story, because he never saw me. His sorry brother did.
If he was so afraid of his mother and would have stayed in the house, he
wouldn't have caught me sneaking pass. Yet, I had to sit there time and time
and listen to them scandalize my name. I guess it was my punishment for not
sleeping with more men that wanted me. That surely includes several Pontiac
Police officers, male and female.
I care now. There has been 23 years since I called Steve. I've never felt so
strong. Some people, like Pancho and his Pontiac Police friends aren't happy
with themselves. I have finished college. I have a master's in business
administration. They have my landlord coming in my house. He stole my diploma
from Walsh College.Pancho don't believe it's real. He always thought he was
smart, smarter than Patricia. She had a thick Spanish accent. She was not
dumb. In order to get a master's you have to have a bachelor's. He's so
crooked he thought there might be a way I could get a diploma without getting
a diploma. I can't go anywhere without these people following. I can't drive
down the street. I meet people that end up just fishing for information. I was
so tired of it all, I started using curbside and delivery, but they are so
corrupt, they mess that up, too. That's why Pancho don't believe I have my
degree. They did so much to disrupt my education it was just pathetic. I just
push through. I've written three books. One about prison, we'll talk about
that in another blog. One for the man I love, and JELL: Atrue story. That used
to be on Amazon.It's just a struggle everyday to just live. I heard that when
the devil leaves you alone that means he got you. Why bother someone whose
doing your will. For 23 years, I could see it. Sadly, I think it's been going
on for years. Since high school, I been targeted. I never gave in. I was
watching Freddy P, from Fiddy's "Making the Band". He says Diddy has ruined
his career. His life is just being disrupted by the things Diddy does to him.
He had gotten so fed up that he was considering suicide. I can understand his
plight, but I haven't considered suicide, but I know what it's like to have
people constantly preying on you. They intefere with my medical. I've been to
at least five different doctors in the last two years. I'm supposed to be
diabetic with high blood pressure. These "men" are so jealous of me my
doctors, all of them tell me I'm at least 60 pounds heavier than I am. I was
taking four different blood pressure medication that gave me low-blood
pressure and could cause a heart attack. These doctors in Pontiac, customers
of the OCSD, will kill you. They have nurses and even janitors that do their
dirty work in the hospitals. I had four grown men stand in the hallway of St.
Joe (Trinity Health) and stare me down. Jusy try to put the fear of God in me,
and they were pulling trash. I know what Freddy P is talking about, the racket
and their white cars. When I say Osteopathic, I mean McClaren. It's not just
Pancho, he has freinds. Lots of them at the racist and sexist OCSD. They are a
gang of queers. My landlord, who admitted to his bi-sexuality, claims he has
to search my apartment and go through my trash. He says, it's all due to the
loyalty he has to "the boys". So, he's one of them, they're a gang; like
Diddy. It's a consortium like Katt says. The use sex and drugs to run the
city, and they are so mad about me. I don't stay out of their way, but I don't
do what they do. I'm always messing things up. Let me tell you, God is good!
He has kept me through it all. Without Him. I'm old now, and I'm tired, but I
will never give up. I just pray that those in charge move a little bit faster.
I got to get up early in the morning and see about this Personal Protection
Order on my landlord. I bought a Ring camera, but they help him get around
that. I bought a chain with a key and... Well, you know. Remember, what Diddy
said, "I thought I told you that we won't stop...I thought I told you that we
won't stop!" Guess what???