Sunday, October 13, 2024

Traveling to the Beat of my own Drum

I never really cared. I was different. I still had friends. They loved me. We hung out and had fun. There no big hiccups, until 1991. Oh, I met Patricia in 1991. Pancho's baby-mama in 1991, but I also started sleepin with a man I knew for years. Ironically, and you can't make this stuff up, his sister was a seargent with the Pontiac Police Department. Their family had a home on the Southside where he lived with his brother. One night, we were all hanging out. I was sitting at the kitchen table eating popcorn and drinking a beer, and his brother was outside pacing the patio. Ocassionally, he would glance in my direction with a desperate look on his face. When I didn't return his desperate glance, he continued his pacing. I continued chomping on my snack. His brother, my partner, stood at the sink watching dishes and laughing at his brother. He knew my secret. When he finished cleaning the kitchen, and I had finished my meal, he motioned for me to come with him to the basement and we left the kitchen. A few weeks went by and by this time, his brother had found out my secret. I did not use drugs. All that pacing and those looks were impatience. He wanted to know when were we going to start getting high, because he was ready. After that, his brother didn't want me around. Once my partner pulled up in their work truck and she told me that it wasn't him. I saw his silouhette it was him, but she wanted me gone. She wasn't about to let me ruin their night of partying. I got in the car with my friend, and we took off. Closer to the end of summer, when the romance was dying down, I was there. The brother knocked at the door to his room. There had been a phone call from a neighbor and the brother's truck was being repossessed. I heard the diesal motor and the chains clinking, but I dared not to go to the window to take a peek. Now, he's at the door, asking to use his SUV for a job. It's what he said when asking for the vehicle that changed the course of my life to this point. He said, "I'm going to go get the $2,500 from Boo later on." I thought to myself, "Boo, the drug dealer, Boo?" I thought, "What is a police seargents brother doing going to get money from a drug dealer?" Then, I found out his girlfriend is the drug dealers first-cousin. Interesting to say the least. This hit me like a ton of bricks. I just lay there and became stiff. My partner obviously felt my exhilaration and stopped his brother, before he told anymore family secrets and asked him if he wanter to use his automobile. He replied, "Yes." My partner also lay there, and you could feel the tension in the room. We never spoke on it. More time passed and our relation became strained. The summer days were coming to an end. He didn't get his dream job, and I got a job. I didn't see him much and he eventually got a job. When it got bad it got bad. Since he was never home, I would call and ask him where he had been. One day he said he was busy or something and he couldn't talk. We hung up, and I got in my car and rode passed his house to see why he was busy. His mother's car was in the driveway. I knew, she was laying down the law, because his brother and his girlftiend were out for a walk in the darkness. As I was slowly creeping passed the house, I saw them and the saw me. The brother looked at me with a shock and curious glare, and that's how I became a stalker. I
did other little things as the weeks went on, but I found out I was pregnant. I was youn and felt entitled to make him miserable. He had moved on from me was sleeping with the biggest tart in Pontiac, plus he was having sex with a young woman I hung out with every Thursday, and who had slept with two of the three men I had been with.

But all of that was after the chance meeting with his brother in the dark. Before, I had even gotten pregnant, all of his indiscretions were discover. In bestween the "situations", my sister from Detroit and I got into an argument and she scream at me, "That's why you stalking..." I looked at her like she was crazy and shouted, "What?" To tell the truth, I really didn't know what that word really meant in legal terms, but I knew it was something I wasn't doing, because I was with him, just not as much as I wanted to be. He had never told me I was bothering him at that time. All the bad stuff came later on. That was the first time I knew I was a problem. We talked when we could, and he was still following me to the club or he would be at the club. After a while, he was having sex with the girl I was hanging with and he could be coming to see her. I don't She gotknow, but it never got that serious for me. It was Autumn, now. I was a few weeks pregnant and didn't even know. What I did know was his brother was going to get money from a drug dealer. His girlfriend is his first cousin and I'm not addicted. Furthermore, his sister, the seargeant was on patrol the night my cousin's husband was murdered on Bagley School's playground. I had to be something. So, to them, a stalker was ideal. I miscarried, due to a genetic problem with my blood type, and went into a depression that lasted a long time. That was 1991. My cousin came and saved me in 1994. She did my nails, my friend braided my hair and I was back. I was 60 pound heavier, but I was back. I was, however, back on their radar. I went to work at Sears at Summit Place Mall. That's when I found out about the theft ring. My partner didn't come in there, but his brother was in there all the time. His girlfriend was now his wife, and he was signing his name for the replacement employee discount card, and he didn't even work there, at least he wasn't coming to work regularly. I never saw him. I just work happy to be amongst the living. My "victim", Steve came to see me a few times while I was working there. We would stand a talk awhile. I would never steal, because I felt stealing was the reason that I was depressed and held up in the house all them years. I thought God was angry with me and had punished me for all I had stolen. That had me into it with most of the employees, because they were in an organized theft ring that had been going on for years. They would steal large amount of everything, clothes, tools, treadmills, appliances, lawn mowers, tracker, you name it, they stole it. A woman that worked in small appliances, husband bought a Sears franchise, "Up North", and they sold the stuff up there. They made multiple sign that they took up there to put on the merchandis. We got a new manager and when she had to make signs for the week she got so stressed, because the program woul make so many. The same was true with the music section. The lady would think she had everything placed properly on the tape wall and two days later, she would get fore boxes of tapes. She asked me why the manager ordered so many. I didn;t know, because I wasn't stealing. Ichool t involved some of Pontiac's important people. There was the Pontiac Police, Fire Fighters, School Board members, Preachers and the most popular people in the city. It included mothers, wives, daughters, confidential informants, there kids and others.

I left there around 1995. I worked I went to Concord, you know, it became Rite-Aid, that closed all of it's Miichigan stores.They were supplying the barbers in Pontiac with all their barber supplies and the Night Riders with all their alcohol. I would talk to the owner of Concord and he asked me why was the back door always open. I told him that's how the people got the stuff they were stealing. They took it out the back door. He said the security company called him every night to tell him the back door was ajar. I did a little dirt there. Then I went to HQ. I sat where Costco is now. The same cast of characters came in there that were in Sears. Same things went on, but now they are building entire houses. Refurbishing kitchens and laying floors, building play sets for kids and getting rich in the process. Do you know what it takes to build a house? A lot... You ain't paying the store, your paying the manager who runs that department. I was watching Brandi, today on Facebook. I posted that she got involved with "The Illuminati" or whatever it is, when she caught that vehicular homicide case. I believe that, because one morning I was on my way to work at HQ, and pulled out on Telegraph to make a left-hand turn and this man hit me. My face hit the windshield and I was passed out for a moment. I woke up, and there was an older man rushing towards me to get in my car. he yelled, "You passed out! Get back in the car!!!" The man who hit me was walking towards me holding his wrist. He was a professional. He hit people for a living. He sued my insurance company for his wrist injury. That's how I know. The police came immediately. A young officer, offered to take me home. I went my car no longer worked. I called he insurance company later on. and got this real snooty lady with an attitude. She told me that anytime you come out in traffick like that you are wrong. I was upset, because I had cleared all three lanes. He hit me in the left hand turning lane. She said that was fine, because when I pulled out in traffic he is allowed to do whatever needed to avoid hitting me. I was like, "Including hitting me? He swerved into me, not away from me!" She was so nasy, I just hung up. I know now they can let the phone ring as many time as they want to get you to the operator they want you to talk to. That accident is the reason I believe Brandi was set-up. She's not the only celebrity that been in that kind of accident. Kaitlyn Jenner, Bruce Jenner, also was in an accident where someone died. You know how the Kardashian's feel about him/her. You know how Kim is down with Diddy. The racket in Pontiac fashion themselves after Diddy. Or whoever is running the racket that is Hollywood. I could have lost my job. I wasn't stealing at HQ, either. They needed to have a few days without me so they could make some major moves. A friend offered to take me to work a couple of days, until I bought a car. He's now a drug dealin PhD. He claims to be uplift our people for the better good. He doesn't talk to me anymore. Guess who was a fixture at HQ. Yep, the brother of my partner that first called me a stalker. This time, however, my partner was coming in, too. I went to work for Girl Scout, found out they pimp little girls for Girl Scout cookie money. Turned her in, lost my job. The police helped her put me in jail, when she didn't want me to throw a party for the girls at Jefferson. only this time it was a Pontiac Cab that hit me. Watch out for them cabs, they don't drive old police cars for nothing.

I did temp work for awhile after Girl Scouts. I have a whole blog on Adrian Burn on my Yaktownlaisly blog. She was something else came into Pontiac and fit right in. It was the Walter Moore Days in 1997-98. The rules were easy, "Get what you can while you can get it". She tried it with me. I laugh when I think of her. She was the worst kind of addict. She used our kids and the City of pontiac was all for it. I got out of that. too. Then came the roughest years. My brother was indicted September 15, 1998. They came and got him from his house that morning. He spent a year in jail, and I went back to work at Sears that November. Judge Mester let him go. Gorcyca the Prosecutor at the time, appealed the dismissal to a higher court. Now, it's 2001. It took a couple of years to get the decision. In the mean time, I decide to call Steve. Like I said in the first blog, I didn't know the PPD had taken over the Feds wires on our phone. All the discovery in my brother case was the FBI's. The Pontiac Police hadn't done any investigation his indictment. It was all FBI. Let me tell you, the Feds investigate. They had my brother at 17 years old standing on the street selling drugs. They went waaaay back. Had pictures of me that I don't remember the clothes I was wearing. They get the job done! They kept listening, not because they were investigating they wanted to know what my brother was doing. Who he was talking to, and if he was going to snitch them out. They are still listening, but I've done so much. The Feds wanted to know how those seven men could run drugs in the city so long. We all knew. We knew them by name. To me the Feds were acting ignorant. There ain't nothing they don't know. Steve and I were found out quick. Even if we had never done anything. We talked maybe twice. The first time on 9-11, 20 minutes before the first tower fell or after. I really don't remeber. When Pancho found out, he was livid. I guess he went to my partners sister, who is implicated in a murder, and who is truly helping my brother and his friends deal drugs in the city. Pancho and the sister decide that they would end Steve's and my relationship by making him say I'm a stalker. How could they do this you ask? Steve had just been promoted. He had a sick mother and Pancho and the sister would make it seem like he was the one helping my brother and his friends sell their drugs. He had talked to me twice on the phone. Sure we've known one another 22 years, but I was nothing to him. After the way they railroaded me, I believe they would have put him in prison. Prison is no place for a cop. The letters I had written him were harmless. They made them semm like the Screw Tape Letters, letters from the devil to his apprentices. I've haven't had many lovers, but I will drag every one of them to court to prove that I never, ever did anything to them. Believe me, Pancho has looked for every one of them got people to talk to them or he talked to them himself, because a few of them are his "kind". I'm smart...I is beautiful. I have all the confidence in the world. I don't need to stalk a man. All my men still love me! Not one of them are scared of me or got a creepy story to tell. Not even my partner in this story, because he never saw me. His sorry brother did. If he was so afraid of his mother and would have stayed in the house, he wouldn't have caught me sneaking pass. Yet, I had to sit there time and time and listen to them scandalize my name. I guess it was my punishment for not sleeping with more men that wanted me. That surely includes several Pontiac Police officers, male and female.

I care now. There has been 23 years since I called Steve. I've never felt so strong. Some people, like Pancho and his Pontiac Police friends aren't happy with themselves. I have finished college. I have a master's in business administration. They have my landlord coming in my house. He stole my diploma from Walsh College.Pancho don't believe it's real. He always thought he was smart, smarter than Patricia. She had a thick Spanish accent. She was not dumb. In order to get a master's you have to have a bachelor's. He's so crooked he thought there might be a way I could get a diploma without getting a diploma. I can't go anywhere without these people following. I can't drive down the street. I meet people that end up just fishing for information. I was so tired of it all, I started using curbside and delivery, but they are so corrupt, they mess that up, too. That's why Pancho don't believe I have my degree. They did so much to disrupt my education it was just pathetic. I just push through. I've written three books. One about prison, we'll talk about that in another blog. One for the man I love, and JELL: Atrue story. That used to be on Amazon.It's just a struggle everyday to just live. I heard that when the devil leaves you alone that means he got you. Why bother someone whose doing your will. For 23 years, I could see it. Sadly, I think it's been going on for years. Since high school, I been targeted. I never gave in. I was watching Freddy P, from Fiddy's "Making the Band". He says Diddy has ruined his career. His life is just being disrupted by the things Diddy does to him. He had gotten so fed up that he was considering suicide. I can understand his plight, but I haven't considered suicide, but I know what it's like to have people constantly preying on you. They intefere with my medical. I've been to at least five different doctors in the last two years. I'm supposed to be diabetic with high blood pressure. These "men" are so jealous of me my doctors, all of them tell me I'm at least 60 pounds heavier than I am. I was taking four different blood pressure medication that gave me low-blood pressure and could cause a heart attack. These doctors in Pontiac, customers of the OCSD, will kill you. They have nurses and even janitors that do their dirty work in the hospitals. I had four grown men stand in the hallway of St. Joe (Trinity Health) and stare me down. Jusy try to put the fear of God in me, and they were pulling trash. I know what Freddy P is talking about, the racket and their white cars. When I say Osteopathic, I mean McClaren. It's not just Pancho, he has freinds. Lots of them at the racist and sexist OCSD. They are a gang of queers. My landlord, who admitted to his bi-sexuality, claims he has to search my apartment and go through my trash. He says, it's all due to the loyalty he has to "the boys". So, he's one of them, they're a gang; like Diddy. It's a consortium like Katt says. The use sex and drugs to run the city, and they are so mad about me. I don't stay out of their way, but I don't do what they do. I'm always messing things up. Let me tell you, God is good! He has kept me through it all. Without Him. I'm old now, and I'm tired, but I will never give up. I just pray that those in charge move a little bit faster. I got to get up early in the morning and see about this Personal Protection Order on my landlord. I bought a Ring camera, but they help him get around that. I bought a chain with a key and... Well, you know. Remember, what Diddy said, "I thought I told you that we won't stop...I thought I told you that we won't stop!" Guess what???

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Death to all That Knows and Speaks Aloud

I wrote the other day, "I would be dead, if I used drugs." My advesaries took it as fear, but I'm not afraid. Well, not at that moment was I in fear. I had just watched a You.Tube video on Craig Mack. I had forgot who Craig Mack was. So, I went to the internet to find out who he used to be. I heard his number one jam, "Flava in Yo Ear", or whatever and I remembered. He was only 47 years old. He had the first number one hit for Bad Boy Records that Puff Daddy had started. We know where he is today. The Feds raided his homes in LA and Miami looking for evidence of sex trafficking. All of you that have been following me over the past 11 years know my involvement with a prostitution ring at the Oakland County Jail, (OCJ). I was arrested several times for stalking the police, namely Steve and Val. The first time I was arrested was October 2002. That was 22 yeats ago. Do you know that I fight the police to this day. It is continuous. Some have retired, some have quit and some of them are dead. One thing that is true. I am a mortal enemy of the Pontiac Police, now the Oakland County Sheriff's Department, (OCSD). There are many women who were in my position in the OCJ. Many have died, had strokes and aneurysms. I had a stroke in 2020. I also contracted diabetes from the psychotrophic medication I was forced to take for my "mental illness". I am bi-polar and schizophrenic. Since I was a teenager, otherwise sane people called me crazy because I didn't use drugs or have sex. I still don't use drugs or have sex, homosexual kind or the normal stuff. So, I'm still nuts! It wasn't until I almost got into a relationship with Steve did I become certifiable. I knew that a member of the Pontiac Police had beat the mother of his twins black and blue, until she finally left him. She left me, too, and came to me to show me the product of the last beating. To top it off, one day while alone at her sister's, he was ready to beat her, again. In order to divert the beating she called out, "I showed Lesley!" I asked her, "What you do that for? Now he's going to come for me!" On September 11, 2001, I picked up my phone for the third time and called the Pontiac Police Department, but this time sadly I reached then Detective Steve Wittebort. My brother, who has done 19 year in the Michigan Department of Corrections, had been indicted for the first time and was awaiting a judgement from a higher court on a drug case. The Feds had our phone wired, and the Pontiac Police were now listening in. The woman beater, Paul "Pancho", found out that I was talking on the phone with Steve. For this post, we will call Steve, "Steve", and Paul, "Pancho". It seems that most people know Paul as Pancho on the street. That's the name his grandmother, "Rea", gave him many years ago. It seems that's what he goes by on the streets of Pontiac. Since I have lived this long, I hope my friend Patricia has not been unalived, nor her sister or her niece. We are the only ones who knows the kind of monster Pancho was to Patricia. While living in Pontiac, I was the only person she really knew. I had introduced her to my friends. but she didn't confide in them like she did me. After she left and went back to Detroit, she became discouraged and depressed. She gave the twins she had with Pancho, and kept her son from a previous relationship. I begged her not to do it, but she felt he would give them a better life. She had lied to the Pontiac Police and told him that Pancho was a great father, provider and boyfriend. She told me that his family thought she was trash and would ruin his career as a cop, and going after him for child support was just another way she would, "Ruin Pancho's life". They acted as if she was the worst thing that ever happened in his life. I told her to care less about what they felt or what he told them about her. She slept on the floor with those twins to make sure he got a good night's sleep. He was never home, she got food stamps to supplement his income, and now he tries to stop me from getting food stamp benefits, when he ate off them for five years. After beating her back to Detroit, he got her for child support, and when she got behind, every time she came into Pontiac city limits he had her arrested. So, she didn't get to spend anytime with her "boys" when they were growing up. When he was the absentee father, living in the house with them and not providing for them at all. One of the boys got a diaper rash so bad he couldn't wear a diaper. He would come home angry, because Patricia hadn't change their diaper. In reality, she couldn't change their diaper. because she didn't have any to change them into. He told the world she was an awful mother. Truth is, he was the worst kind of man to her and the kids. That's why he's a monster. Not to mention the things he's done to me for knowing all of this. They got Diddy, but what are they going to do with Pancho? He's a dirty and corrupt cop. He was demoted as an Investigator with the OCSD. He now patrol the streets. He makes friends with women that he can relates to, and all I can say is I know what Jaguar Wright is feeling. You know these men are bad men. I found out that the OCSD was running a prostitution ring out of the jail's clinic. I'm thinking the whole goal since 2002 was to get me into the jail to make me a prostitute. It's been going on long before I was arrested. Even before the stealing ring at Sears, the White cars and Flea Markets "Up North". These people Kill people who know too much. They kill people for insurance money. They kill people; period. That's why I say that if I was on drugs, the contaminate your drug of choice. If I drank in public or private, my mother don't drink outside our home she was poisoned. But I don't drink period, or if I chose a man other than the one I'm with I would be dead! Pancho would kill me, alone. In his attempt to silence me, he has exposed me to several other groups that want me dead. Those women that I wrote about in my book, "Jell". I don't talk. They would be unalived just like other women who have "situations" with OCSD. Some of the women who are dead I had direct conversation with or who were in jail with me. I know these men are killers. I watch those stories on You.Tube and cringe. The music industry is so small, and the Hip-Hop scene is even smaller. Just like Pontiac. How do these people die that are all connected to the same person or people in the industry? How do all these people in Pontiac die who are connected to the Pontiac Police and now OCSD"? I have friends I can't talk to. I have people who have came to the other side, but still have to do what they do. Deal drugs, have sex with the same sex. Claim to be dead, to keep the idea that they have snitched and have gone rouge. Jaguar Wright is right! Diddy was arrested on my birthday, September 17. I pray that was the Feds telling me they haven't forgot about me. Because these monsters in Pontiac have gotten away with it for far too long. They have "Freak Offs" in the OCJ. The men and women being sold in the jail, Wayne County, too! People being murdered for what they know. They have some drugs out there that will get you hooked the first time you try it. They have drugs out there that will give you kidney failure and have you on diaysis and dead in less than a year. Drugs that will give you cancers, strokes and liver disease and heart attacks. Not only that, but like Kim Porter said, "If they can get to your food they got you". I ate at China Jade, my food was so salty. Then, I had a stroke. China Jade is on Door Dash, and the women who deliver for Door Dash don't just deliver egg foo young, they also are serving up S.E.X. Not to mention the hospitals in Pontiac, St. Joe, now Trinity Health, Osteopathic and General are involved with their mess and will kill people on demand. The Fire Department and local ambulance services, too. People wonder how Jaguar Wright knows so much. How do I know so much? When your moving in the same circles you know what's going on in your circle. I was in the car with a women whose mother had me, and my then bestfriend, pick up from work. She was just talking about everything and everybody. She told us a story about her friend that was disappointed with this real good looking guy in Pontiac. I heard about him from my sisters who are older. She said her friend was so upset, because he had picked her up at a club. She thought she had hit it big. He was so fine and she was about to get, well you know... She told her friend that his penis was so small that it felt like he was dry humping her. Why the following summer I started dating his brother and had the exact same experience. You can't make this stuff up. Jaguar has to keep talking until it all comes true. Diddy, Jay-Z. Beyonce, Clive Davis and the rest. Look. Prince died, Michael Jackson died Whitney Houston died. The biggest Black stars of our time. The industry is too small for that!I'm going to keep writing, until those indictments come down! I know too much!

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

You and me at 53

There is a sensation that comes from this situation. It’s a sweet sensation that makes my body shake. Makes in between my legs ache, and sometimes I can’t take. The day you were born is like I was dreaming. It was a somber moment with a whole lot of meaning. I have a mate, a lover a friend ‘til the end. It took eight months and 13 days to begin. When you were born, I was alive in heaven. Heaven to hell and 9-11. I love you with all my soul. Until the sun stops shining or I’m 100 years old. I wondered if I’d ever fall in love. If someone like you would come into my world. Someone to love me and to always be there. Love me sweetly and always care. I wondered who that someone would be. The man of my dreams, the one that would love me. With all the things I had to go through, I’m still glad that someone was you. I guess the world had enough. I was mean and cruel and treated people rough. I’m no longer that and this is true. It made me perfect for a man like you. I love you with all my being, From left to right, it starts me singing. Our love is as simple as 1-2-3 Happy Birthday, Baby. To you from me… - Lesley

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Driving While Free...

Lately, I've walked out of a store and there is a car following me. A car or SUV, newer model with tinted window. I have tinted windows. My car has been the target of these police fags from the beginning. I can recall a time that I bought a brand new Escort, and moved. There was no reason for my car to be repossessed. I had paid my car payment and was up-to-date. I had moved out of my mother's house and into my own apartment. I had not informed Ford Motor credit. Since my payment wasn't behind, I said that I would get to it later. This was 1995, and I had a job working at Sears. After a few years, they claim that Ford had targeted Blacks in the area. It had something to do with Mel Farr. Who had mysteriously disappeared; God rest his soul. I don't believe that. I left that apartment. I started work at HQ (Home Quarters) out at Miracle Mile. My brother bought me a new, used car after about six months. He couldn't take the grind of taking my mother to work. That allowed me to leave the crummy job at the pharmacy and liquor store, Concorde. I then went to work at HQ, because they paid me two whole dollars more. That's where I ran into the police thieves. They are a gang of thieves I told you about. At HQ in 1996, they were stealing play sets, with slides, kitchen cabinets and sheds. Huge piles of wood would be delivered for the playground sets and I was now lead at the counter where these transactions took place. I was expected to give all this stuff away for a price. I refused...

The first thing that happened is Rasheed had his little boys on a bike steal out my car. The same way they stole out of the customers cars, when Rasheed walked passed them in the parking lot and saw valuables. I have spoken about this before. People would come back in the store distraught, because they had cell phones, a big deal back then, cameras and CD's stolen out of their front seats. They were all going to the spot Up North and selling stuff from that store, too. Stacey B. Her father was a man big in the game. She came in from Michigan State every Friday, twirling her "Lead" keys on her finger, stealing all the home for her Daddy. She's a nurse now, but I know she's still part of the game. The second thing they did was to put something in my gas tank that made my car stop when I got to a certain speed. I saw something like it on "Law & Order: Criminal Intent". Some guys didn't like a woman at their job at the airport and they put a ping-pong ball in her gas tank. When she started driving about  50 MPH, the ball would cover the hole where the gas feeds the car at the bottom of the tank. It's genius actually, but I caused a five car pile-up on Telegraph and some old lady bumped her head. Elbert Hatchett drove by me, he knew both my father and my uncle. My uncle was a lawyer, too. "Hey Miss Stanley." He didn't know me by name persay, but he knew who my father and uncle were. "Hi, Mr. Hatchett! My car keeps stopping on me!" I was distraught, because I had seen the woman grab her head in the car right behind me.

"Well, don't worry about it. It's not your fault and there is nothing the police can do to you. That was out of your control, your car just stopped. Go park over there." He pointed at the motorcycle store. "Wait for the police to come and tell him exactly what you told me. He'll let you go, because you had no control of what your car did." He had an appointment and wanted to check on me. He was off just as quick as I could say thank you. I did what he told me and the cop came and let me go. I got to work late and everyone acted as if they had seen a ghost. I had survived that one, but wouldn't survive the next one. I was traveling on Telegraph and had forgotten something at home. Since the guy I was dating lived just off Telegraph, I went back by going down his street to see if he was home. He didn't answer my page and he didn't have to be to work, until 10 a.m. It was 7:45 a.m. I would catch him. He was there getting stuff out his car with his friend. He looked at me and begged me not to stop. I didn't and moved on. As I was getting ready to turn left, and go back North to my apartment the road was clear. As I moved out into the street, this black Mustang hit me. I was in the left hand turning lane when I was hit. They claimed that anyone that makes a left into oncoming traffic is responsible for an accident.

To this day I feel it is a judgement call. I had made it into the left hand turning lane. I had cleared the three lanes going South. This man swerved into the left-hand turning lane and hit me! The woman for my insurance company told me that he had a right to swerve to avoid me. I asked her, "Why was he swerving? I had cleared all three lanes!" She simply said, "That's the law, ma'am" . So, they have expert car drivers who can fake accidents to their advantage and police that come to the scene to solidify the lies. They even have witnesses, people that get out their car, and swear it was your fault. The man, the expert at car accidents was obviously good at lawsuits, too. He sued the insurance company for 10 G's. I declared bankruptcy in 2000 behind a garnishment for his fake wrist injury. I didn't even get a ticket and the cop that showed up on the scene took me home. It was like it was over, but he had totalled my car. I had no way to work. For about a week I got rides from a friend. He married now, and I can't say his name. That was so long ago. Then one of my co-workers came to work and told me about a car dealership on Baldwin that would sell me a car. I was only a year from the Escort repo. They allowed me to get one and I paid little or nothing. I wished I had found them a year and a half ago.

I left HQ, because it was stressful and they just wanted to steal. One of the managers just left Costco, after 22 years. He was running the store as Manager. I heard about a woman that stole $3000 in one day to get her husband out of jail. So, Costco is no different than that HQ. If Patrick was running it, I know their shrink was ridiculous and they had their nerve to fire my nephew for being late. When I left I went to work for temp services to pay my rent every month. My landlord, the ultimate crackhead, used our money to get high. He used his pilot salary to pay his mortgage and two car payments.  He wanted a fresh start, and was moving and sold his apartments. This guy Brian then bought them and went up on the rent. He worked for The County, and probably used the prostitutes there. He kept coming in my apartment when I wasn't there and asking me to help him clean and paint. I had a job, and I wasn't interested in spending time with him. I moved on Oakhill. I was working for Girl Scouts and the leader, Adrian, was working with the crooked police. Lenelle Benton lived on the street with her husband and 13 or 14 kids. They were police informants I'm thinking, because her kids would sit on an old shed and throw rocks at my car. They were trying to break out my windshield.

My boss didn't like the idea that I was coming to work everyday, even though she gave me $1500 to hold of cookie money. She thought I would be too busy getting high. I don't get high, so she had a problem. The crooked police enlisted three of Lenelle's bad ass kids to bust the windows out in my car. I'll put the link below so you can read that story. All of a sudden, my gaskets blew, but I had a warranty. The shop I took it to kept it for six months. I went to my brother and he bought a new car and gave me his Cutlass. He said it was "Hot". That car was burning up and by the time it was over I was out $3,000 and a jail stay, before jail stays were what I do! I'll put that link below, too. The rock throwing stopped when I got my brother's car back there. He was the only person the judge had ever seen on a 30-year case and had never even had a parking ticket. He was to be left alone. But the Prosecutor found a old case from me. I walked out my house without my purse and they got their chance. I was headed back from my mother's picking up something, I can't remember. A Pontiac cab hit me going West on Whittemore and Paddock. I didn't have an ID, because I didn't have a purse. They ran my name and I had a warrant. Surprise...Surprise...Suprise. I went to jail.

At night, the enter my car from the hatchback. They removed my light bulb in order to go through my things undetected. I also believe someone drives my car at night. My gas seems lower, sometimes when I get into my car. They cause my tires to have slow leaks and then plug the spouts so that the fix-a-flat won't repair it. It take the entire three minutes to fill my tire, and sometimes it's still not filled. It's been the same with all my cars. They have been ruining my tires since Sears in 1998. The same year my brother was under indictment. That's when I got most of my tickets on his car. For the third time in my life, my car's hose has a hole in it and my car runs hot after a period of time. They steal whatever they want, this month, it was my fabric softener. Other times it money, mail and notebooks. Stuff they can rifle through to try and find out my business. My car is open to everyone that wants to go into it and there is literally nothing I can do about it. Who do I call when I need help?

My car wasn't totalled this time. I went to a friend. The same friend who I was supposed to do an in-school project for Girl Scouts in his school. I was sitting outside waiting on a ride, when I was supposed to be in a school singing songs and watching "Matilda". The Principal gave me the money to get my car out of impound and I never did get the chance to sue the Pontiac Cab for running the stop sign. My car blew another something when I got it out the shop and I went back and got the Cutlass, still hot, and still on fire. Racked up more tickets and finally got my light blue Taurus. My cars tires are always shot. They punch holes in them, give them slow leaks and I am always fixing them. Now, however, I don't even get a chance to use fix-a-flat. They pack the spout with crazy glue and I can't get fix-a-flat into them. My hoses get holes in them. Always the same thing with each car. They didn't something new with the wires and put something on them that the squirrels eat them up. I young man with collision experience caused me to hit him in Royal Oak. He then he told me that if I gave him $250 he would forget about it. Coincidently his father owns a collision shop and he could fix it. It was a scam to me, obviously set-up by the police. I didn't pay him a dime and he went away. When I bought my SUV that never had a scratch, was hit in the same place my other car, the car where the young man hit me, was hit on. The crooked police felt that I needed to carry that accident on my new car.

I have tinted windows. They came with my car. I didn't think we could have tinted windows in Michigan and maybe my car came from somewhere else. Vice in the city have tinted windows. The men that are supposed to deal with drugs, prostitution and stealing in the city. The tint their windows so people can't see them. See them in the car with a prostitute or someone they don't want you to see them with. Yesterday, they tried to knock the side-view mirror off my care with cones on State Street. My side-view mirrors collapse, and all it did was close it. They already broke my hood latch. Took the bulb out the back of my hatchback, in order for it not to glow on the person they have going through my car. I told you about the tires on every single car I have owned since 1995. My hose also has a hole it it; on this car. None of their tricks are new. They smashed the side-view mirror on my last car. They are full of tricks and mainly get them from the people they arrest, who they make their friends and learn their tricks from. My car has a fob that is supposed to keep people out. I watched on the news about thieves that can duplicate fobs and steal cars like mine, equipped with an alarm. That's who go into my car and steal my money out my compartments and water out my stash. Criminals, better yet, "Confidential Informants". The same ones that are dying of the Coronavirus. Yep, the same ones...

Friday, March 27, 2020

How They Make me Feel...

I do not want Joe Biden to be President of the United States. In my History class ten years ago, my professor told us that when the Founding Fathers picked a President, they wanted a man that didn't want the job. That way he would be so discouraged by his new found position, he didn't get comfortable enough to abuse his power. I don't think it worked, but it was a good premiss. George Washington was chosen, because he was out doing extra-curricular activities while the men were in the room writing the Declaration of Indepence. John Hancock wanted the job, but seemed to "thirsty". It was their idea to pick a man that didn't seem enthusiastic about the job. He had fought in the Revolutionary War, and therefore, the people would embrace him. Even if he ran for the majority of the time he was General. People don't know this, but America won the wore, but not by might. England had just gotten out of a war with France. That's the reason they were over there "messing" with the Settlers. They were trying to recoup some of the money they had lost fighting the French. Men like John Hancock wasn't having it. He had built a business with the Dutch making leather goods; shoes in particular. He wasn't having England's mess. George Washington became famous for running, and when England got tired of throwing good money after bad, they said, "forget it" and gave the country to the Settlers. England may have thought that the rest of the land was like New England. One great big forest, but it seemed to be spacious in places, sunny in others and plentiful in the middle. We truly won...

Biden or Trump fit the bill of unenthusiastic candidates. Each man has run three times, and technically, this would be Trump's fourth attempt at the Presidency. He has run already, however, but not by winning the popular vote. So, you can say that he didn't win "fair and square". Biden has gotten the biggest push by being Barack Obama's Vice-President. Black people are blind when it comes to Obama. Even if he didn't create one policy that directly change the situation for the African American community. He had his own "trickle down effect". He made blanket policies for the lower and middle-class and hoped that Black people in America could get some relief. He couldn't come in and full-on start giving money to the HBCU's in America like Trump did. He would be called a racist. A man that was out for Black people in this country and would have never been re-elected. Whites had to believe he was neutral in order for him to be effective. McConnell wasn't going to allow him room in the Senate, and Boehner wasn't going to allow him any movement in the House. He wrote a ton of Executive Orders to be able to get anything done in his administration. He stayed free of humiliation and free of scandal, until now!

I just got finished listening to a audio tape of a woman named, Tara Reade. She appeared on a podcast with a woman named Katie Halper. We gotta lift each other up as women. I've done it, believe it or not since I was 14-years old. My father had told me to mind my business. My friend who was 15-years old was being abused by her 20-year old boyfriend. He had appeared suddenly and slapped her across the face, so hard that I heard it and it rang in my ear. She left with him and I continued on a different path. I went to my father and asked him, "What should I do, Daddy?" He had replied, "Nothing. You get into that and she'll be mad at you, because you hit her man. The next day, she'll be right back with him." I took my father's word and watch my friend spiral into drug abuse, prostitution and prison. She was his woman and another thing my father taught me, a woman is who her man is. If you see two people together they have everything in common, or else they would be together. I took his word on that, too. That didn't go for just romantic relationships, but your friends that you hang out with everyday. I learned that part on my own. Halper, is now helping Reade get her story out, because now Biden is running for President and is beating out Bernie Sanders. Sanders who keeps getting maliciously destroyed by the Democratic Party and their ruthless ways. I can't say that a Biden Presidency would be less than a Trump one. Unless he has changed his ways, which I doubt very seriously.

This woman, Tara Reade, was molested by Biden. He went up her skirt and penetrated her with his finger. I wondered if he washed that finger, before he went out and shook hands with some of the most powerful men in the country. Who probably had some other's woman's wetness on his fingertips or some young boys wetness someplace else. Reade is a very brave woman, because Biden is a very powerful man that friends will come out to his defense. That means lying or making excuses for his sexual prowess and perverted ways. It seems that the most powerful and talented people have the biggest flaws and worse sexual appetites that includes teenaged girls and boys. We have to be mindful of these possibilities that may play out in the American White House, as Clinton and Trump did. We must make these men accountable for their deeds. I was raped a few months after I witnessed my friend be abused. The man had stalked me, and when he found me walking alone one night, ran out of bushes and took my soul from me. He tried to capture everything I am in one act. He did not succeed. When he was finished with me, he used my body to raise himself off me and said, "This is your fault. You shouldn't be walking out here in the dark."

Likewise, Biden had did something similar to Reade. He had pointed at her and told her that she was nothing. The final blow from an action that she did not consent to. "You are nothing," and it had stayed with her all this time. It was the piece of the assault that created the shame and destruction that she never asked for. He told her, "I hear you like me." She had just sang his praise in a conversation or in the presence of some pervert that wanted to get credit for getting him more women. She had to withstand a sexual assault and live with it all these years, because Biden felt entitled. "Do you want to go somewhere else?" He had asked her and she was so shaken that he had to calm her. He had to tell her that she would be alright, but before that he had to remind her what she meant to the world; nothing. I can't tell you how I cried after listening to her tell that story. The country is leading with the Corona virus, working to get the country worked up on a virus and people that have no names, while this woman, who has a name tells her story. There is something wrong with that. Biden is winning, finally after years of trying. After once, having to drop out, because he let his true self slip out at the wrong time. He had to drop out in '88. He has always wanted to be President, and following the advice of our Founding Fathers that's exactly why he shouldn't be. Let alone his bad and whorish ways.

As women, we need to stand in the way of men like Biden. We should allow the establishment to disregard the experiences of women in Washington and women everywhere. I know that my time in Oakland County Jail showed me the extent women play in prostitution. They could care less about the women they see as nothing. Women without homes, mental illnesses and prostitutes. They just passed us on to men that did not care. I have had bosses in retail that used their positions and the benefits of their company to get women, harass women and use women. There has to be a time in this country for reparation and Women's Rights. A time when we stand up to men that use us for stock. Something tangible of little or no value, until they put a price on it. They will lie on you and tell people all kinds of falsities about you to get their way. I know that news stations can not hear me and I can not tell my story. Not only did they certify my insane, but they deny me the right to register my car. Make my family turn against me and use our relationship as a means for getting information. They come to the Google website and change the message on my blog. They create syntax errors and grammatical errors and sentences filled errors. They even go into my car, and took out my rear door light, so they can go in undetected. All of this to say one thing to me, "You are nothing!"

The idea that someone can come in your house and take you away and try to ruin you is unthought of. For them to fail and cause you harm for their failure is unbelievable. Jessica Cooper told me that it's her job to prevent crime. The excuse she wants to use for locking me up without cause. They always can make excuses and Tara Reade will be the victim of powerful people making excuses for a man that had no business touching her, or molesting her person. He will lie and deny he ever put his hands on her. I cry so hard for people like the two of us. Caught up in the idea that other women could not resist saying, "Yes!" Before the women that made it possible for these men to think they could get away with it with us. I pray that the story she told will be heard and play out on the six o'clock news. Like they ran all of Trump's indiscretions and that the Democrats will give Bernie a chance. 

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Revisiting Michigan Prisons

The women's prison is overcrowded and on it's third sexual misconduct lawsuit, in the last 15-years.
Reminds me of Duggan, always knowing the right things to say. Partnerships to keep them out of prison for their crimes. A partnership with prosecutors was crucial. They want to lock people up and throw away the key. How many of those men keep that job they leave out with in their hand. Those tablets are not free. They do give incentive, however. Teachers in the women prison do not show up. Jobs aren't the most important. Re-entry back into society and drug used and re-offending is the problem. The "programs" are based on the the cooperation of people responsible for sending ex-cons back to prison. Smoke and mirrors. You create these programs, then you stop sending people to prison in high-rates and then you say that the "programs" are the reason why. We know from watching the news most crimes in society are committed by ex-offenders (80%), and not by first-time offenders. So, there should be a direct collation between crime rates and recidivism, crime should also be going down in our communities, if less ex-offenders are going back to prison. Crime is still high in most urban areas where most of these prisoners come from. How does she explain that? She doesn't! 

First, Let's get this straight. People commit crime. America is filled with people that do wrong to others. People rob people, break into their homes while they are there and when they are gone. Children are molested by adults, murdered and exploited. Some are even kidnapped and held for the pleasure of a sub-human adults. Child porn and even child labor. People murder other people for nothing, some for something, some as a form of revenge and others for a means to an end. We must face the cruel and terrible fact that crimes are committed. Women are raped, abused and sold at a price. When these things happen, there is a system that has been created. It was created by one of our Founding Fathers James Madison. He was a lawyer and helped write the Bill of Rights that is the what our Judicial System in America is based on. It mirrors in many ways British Judicial laws and statues. Known as "The Father of the Constitution", he is responsible for the "Law of the Land". We owe our entire means of punishment and the creation of the law to him. He messed up a few times, and had to get it right, and that's what this is all about.

If ever the Constitution can't be amended to cover the state of our country, we can write a new one. Truthfully, we can just hold a meeting at a time and place and just write a whole new one. If the proper people are there to oversee the deed. I heard the Clinton's at one point had created a committee of some sort to do just that. Our Judicial System is all wrapped up in that concept. That's why the "Fathers" put just about everything in there. A good lawyer, can take a dog bite case and relate it to the Second Amendment "Right to Bear Arms" or the Fourth "unlawful search and seizure". It's true, if you sat in a courtroom you would hear a lot of BS about crime and why a lawyers client is innocent or deserves some astronomical settlement in a civil case. All of it comes from the writings of James Madison. We owe him for it all, even "Ambulance Chasers".

When I think of recidivism and the Michigan Department of Corrections (MDOC), I laugh. They are claiming that they have cut recidivism by 29%. It seems that people aren't going back to prison by committing crimes. So, people aren't committing crimes and going back to prison, Ms. Washington? I beg to differ. I think that they are committing crimes, but instead of going back to prison, they do jail time or the judges are going light on parolees and not sending them back to prison and once again, keeping them in jail for a sentence and setting them free. It works, because they are only counted if they return to prison. If a person re-offends and doesn't go back to prison, they are not counted. So, the question is not if they have re-offended and gone back to prison. That's a play on semantics. The real question is, "Have they committed another crime?" 

Oakland County Jail runs a whorehouse. It is a prime example of what is going on in the prison system, today. If you sell yourself in the clinic and make the deputies money, you don't have to go to prison. Shoplifting crimes are accelerated to "Unarmed Robbery" quickly, when the asset protection employee beats you and you fight back. That is a "Simple-Assault" and "Shoplifting", but in order to get women to prostitute, they make it "Unarmed Robbery". Unarmed Robbery is a Class "C"  and is punishable by 15 years in prison. Simple-Assault gets you two years in prison. Unarmed Robbery s more frightening and easier to coerce a person to sell themselves. Only after they make them some money in the clinic, it's dropped down to a probationary offence. Women come back from their arraignments crying and wondering what they are going to do. I used to say, "Girl, you didn't even do all that. Take you butt to the clinic and work those charges down to what they were supposed to be!" The balling would sometimes get louder, sometimes I'd hear nothing, mostly I heard, "F... you B..."

The prosecutors that were crooked or those who were not, loved it. Another big issue with recidivism is prosecutors needing to keep their numbers up. They want a conviction at all cost. They don't walk into a courtroom with their 30-pound briefcase or rolling suitcase to lose. They win at all cost. I told you about the pre-trial blues. They will pre-trial you to death. Always 45-days out. You get so tired that you would say you killed a beanie baby to go home, and they aren't alive. If you did a portion of what they say you did, you'd take a plea, Cobbs or whatever. Your court-appointed doesn't care. They're getting paid by the case and probably have two more defendants in your group from downstairs, or looking to pick one up. It's "dog-eat-dog". As the Defendant, you don't even have a dog in the fight. The "Blood sucking lawyer" is doing all the talking for you, while the prosecutor just wants to win. It's so hard to let someone else fight for you and be helpless, especially when you aren't a prostitute. That's all certain judges care about. These days it seems that everyone gets a break.

Recidivism is committing a crime and going back to prison; right? Again, if you don't go back to prison there isn't another offender in the recidivism bucket. I watched a man that had been to prison twice, get out on "Drug Court". He had went to prison for the same thing he got "Drug Court" for; "Larceny". I think it's about five to seven years, before you can skate from prison after going to prison. He had been twice and had just gotten out in 2009 and it was 2011. He was supposed to automatically go back to prison as a re-offender. The prosecutor made his case a strong case and a true case. That man was supposed to go back to prison. He was a Gigolo, a male-prostitute in the Oakland County Jail and was set free that day. Only to re-offend in a few weeks, very few complete drug court, and will be back in jail and in front of Chabot and home, again. They do time, lots of time, just not in prison. This is the trick to this 29% decrease. It's a cycle and one less recidivism offender. Get it?

I want to know how many committed a crime, but instead of going back to prison, did time in jail. How many petty judges stopped putting people in prison in the first place. How many Parole and Probation Officers have stopped sending people back before a judge, because they just felt that person needed to go to prison. I bet a bunch. Jails are filled with petty crimes these days, shoplifting being one of them. The opioid crisis would have the prisons filled at this point. It's supposed to be that three misdemeanors are equal a felony. They stopped following that rule, because that means women would go to prison for "Prostitution". I know a woman that has more than 45 misdemeanors. I don't know if she's in prison at this point, but she finally caught a case that wasn't "Prostitution", "Larceny" or "Trespassing". The stores in the area that sell drugs would call the police on her when she was standing outside the store waiting for a man, with his dope, to ask for a date. It's tricky y'all, real tricky.

I'm not sure what Madison had in mind when he wrote the "Bill of Rights". I'm sure it wasn't all these lies, and surely not all this corruption. Heidi Washington, Director of the MDOC is not a genius. She did not discover a new way to stop people from going back to prison. She found a new administrative rule. A new way of doing things that doesn't include people going back to prison. They took a page from OCJ's whoremongering book of lies. Now, that judges aren't sending people back to prison and giving them jail time instead prison, Washington wants to give credit to all her new "Programs". One thing has nothing to do with the other. That's the first thing you learn in Statistics. Just because B happened after A, does not mean that A was the cause. Their are variables and deviations that have to be taken into consideration, before we can determine what happened and why B actually happened. If you can do the equation properly, you will find that jail stays have risen and parole and probation's incidents of sending people back on violations are down. Even if they violate them, it all comes back to the judge. If they say "no" it's NO! One thing they have not stop doing, however, is putting people in prison that don't belong there...

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Jeanette Perry is Scary

I met Jonathan Chambers at 11-years old. I think he was 12-years old. We attended Jefferson Jr. High School. I lived in The Projects, he lived in a ritzy property behind the school. He was popular for all the right reasons and I was popular for all the wrong ones. He had a regular girlfriend and I had no one, but I did have friends. We hung out and went to the basketball games and I used to see him there. I was interested, but not enthralled. The last man I had was 62-years old and my mother, when I was seven thought he was fine. I can wait forever for a man, but I did not wait for him. I spent some nights with him, but when his brother discovered I was "clean", I was no longer welcome. I also was ostracized by his then girlfriend, now wife. I felt uncomfortable for a short time and got over it. He wanted to be a policeman back then and didn't make it. Then he got a job as a security guard, a job wanna-be-cops do. He put me on the back burner. He no longer followed me to Rio de. When I said that I was going to the club, and was on the dance floor, I no longer looked into the crowd and found a six-foot tall man with a high-top fade. A month passed and it had only been three. I had left Drew and wrote him a letter about Jon. He says that he still has it. Funny...

The next time I was at the "De O Rio" and Jon showed up, the woman I hung with acted like a nut. Lifting my feet off the chair I was resting them in and slamming them to the floor and sitting down. I had just been on my feet for eight hours. I didn't get it. I have never been man crazy and men have always been crazy about me. I never even thought about the idea that he worked at the mall and so did she. I had been out there, while she was working and he stood talking to me. He had pointed to her and said, "I know where you're going. You're going to get the mail." She smiled and walked away; happy. I rolled my eyes, because he had asked me where I was going. I was still stuck on that. I hadn't seen him in a month, it was none of his "Got damn business where I was going." My expression let him know. So, he did a pop up at Rio de, to show he still cared? Whatever... On our way home one night, I asked my friend to take me to his house. This woman that worked at the mall was in the back seat. She demanded that she needed to use the bathroom, and I finally got it. Still, I got pregnant a few weeks later.

Now, he claims today that he wasn't the father of my child. He had one and mine was possibly his second. I have this RH-Factor thing. If my child's father has positive blood, my body attacks it and kills it. The crooked police want to say that I had an abortion and that's why my body built up these anti-bodies. I've never had an abortion in my life, because I never had to. My body does it for me. Negative blood is so rare, people call us aliens. This was a hard way to go, because a doctor had verified it and I was an emotional wreck. I had an hysterical pregnancy out of this world and was branded "crazy", because my body is its own little gas chamber, no pun intended. He either moved on with Jeanette Perry or was going with her the entire time, but she got salty. It was her best friend Regina Press that took her child into an aisle at had him saying loudly, "Mommy...Mommy!" I never loved Jon. In fact, I was too young to even know what love was supposed to be. I had no example of how it all worked, and neither did he. He was the youngest of five and was spoiled. I was the second-youngest of five. We were 20 and 22 years old and had did nothing and could care less. He had sisters that took care of him. One of which this is all about!

I could never take care of a man and allow him to work, of-and on. You either work or we don't eat, because I didn't want to do anything, and quit my jobs every year when the weather broke. If a woman can take care of a man, I guess she should. I never would. It was his goal to turn me out. I would never get involved in anything that was illegal and his family was involved in all kinds of mess. I was being used and it wasn't obvious them, but it is now. Her friend who we call Genie in the hood lived right around the corner from me on Cottage. I knew they were petty and belong in the "Light-Skinned Black Girls Club". I am darker than a paper bag by about one shade. Back at Pontiac Central (PCH) Jeanette ran for Princess and lost to Shani Bush. Regina and Jeanette wrote this derogatory story about Shani. One of them or both of them were writers or editors for the school newspaper. I think they called her a "Knife totting", so-and-so. She didn't deserve to win. She might not have been light-skinned, but she was popular her and all her friends. They were cowards and never said publicly that they did it. Even back then I knew who it was. When I walked into the Youth Recreation Center last summer Genie didn't speak. I had spoken to her, because the last time we saw one another she was friendly. I knew, however, her entire family held a grudge about her best friend's man, Jon. Even if they were divorced, separated or something else. Whenever I saw him, he never acted married, anyway. She turned her nose up at me in the atrium and said, "Oh, I didn't see you. I was too busy looking at your hair."

I replied with a "Yes, my messy Mohawk." She didn't hear me, because she was reeling in a ball of jealousy. I don't know why, this time. It has been almost 30-years. I am all mixed up in another scandal with another man for close to 19-years. It's not even fresh like the Shani Bush thing. She and Jeanette are just bitter. I hear Jeanette is with another popular man from back in the day. Whose sister is in the "Light-Skinned Girls Club". When I spoke Genie, she was getting over cancer. I thought that it had changed her, but nope. She's still an incurable envious person. I could go on about her and her personal life, but that would make me just as petty. She stick by her friend as she should. Her sister does, too, and was sending my man hearts and kisses back in 2010. While asking me if I know her man. I wanted to tell her "No, but you know mine, and stop sending him those fake hearts and kisses on Facebook." She is married to a French now. Marlo Perry, I hope she is happy and I'm glad they have stopped that practice on Facebook. He is a great catch and one of the most eligible bachelor's in Michigan. He's mine, however, and all of you half-way pretty "girls" can just back off. It's not that easy. I want to list them by name, but again, I'm trying not to be messy!

The reason I'm writing this is because I hear Jeanette is talking about me. Maybe a favor for the crooked fraction of the police. She's still doing favors for her in-laws and follows me to Walmart. She most owe them, or better yet, they have something on her. Either way, it has been far too long for her to have my name in her mouth. My present guy's ex, hung around about 10-months. It's been almost 30-years! That's why she's scary. But I used to see her driving down Woodward looking for Jon at seven in the morning. I don't know if she was looking for her husband or me and her husband, but the chick is an air-head and believes what people put in her mind. She actually thought I was going to hurt her for marrying Jon. Following me to Walmart and thinking I am going to attack her, would make me insane. I feel sorry for her, because it took her 25-years to find out what I knew the summer of 1991. She used to come into Sears where I work. There was so many stores in the Tri-county area. She would always walk into mine, and when I was working. Twice, she has come into Walmart where I shop, at the same time I was there. I have no idea where she lives. I have no idea where she works or worked. I had and have no desire to know either. I've never spoken to her, or even acknowledged her for 30-years. 

When she gave birth to her son with Jon, her family bought him into Sears. They followed me to the grocery store and held the baby where I could see it. I laughed out loud, because, unless I'm alone, I'm with my mother. I was alone and it was about three of them and who I assume was her mother. I started singing. "Do you know about us back then? Do you know I got your husband girlfriend. I'm not thinking 'bout him. But you married him..." My friend Patricia tried to get me to 'leave Jon alone'" Only I never bothered him, and was bothering the father of my child. No more than he bothered me. Sometimes, you can't get a woman pregnant and walk away, and let the situation take care of itself. Sometimes there are problems. Problems a man can handle, but a boy can't. You got to talk to my brother about that. He followed me to the club! Rode past my house, too. Nothing wrong with that. I was carrying his child! Even had his nerves to follow me when he was screwing a girl I was hanging with! She said he had "moved on". He couldn't move on from me. I dealt with all the drama of my RH-Factor all by myself and I did it poorly. He was a boy and not a man. Denying me now is a solid that he still hasn't grown up! These jealous-hearted, evil and revile women think they can make my life miserable. They are miserable and should just lift their heads high, like I'm going to do, and keep it moving. The idea that this woman comes anywhere near me lets me know I'm winning. The idea that my hair is the bane of a loathsome woman's soul is hilarious to me. I know all the players and no....I don't want none of your nasty ribs!