Friday, March 27, 2020

How They Make me Feel...

I do not want Joe Biden to be President of the United States. In my History class ten years ago, my professor told us that when the Founding Fathers picked a President, they wanted a man that didn't want the job. That way he would be so discouraged by his new found position, he didn't get comfortable enough to abuse his power. I don't think it worked, but it was a good premiss. George Washington was chosen, because he was out doing extra-curricular activities while the men were in the room writing the Declaration of Indepence. John Hancock wanted the job, but seemed to "thirsty". It was their idea to pick a man that didn't seem enthusiastic about the job. He had fought in the Revolutionary War, and therefore, the people would embrace him. Even if he ran for the majority of the time he was General. People don't know this, but America won the wore, but not by might. England had just gotten out of a war with France. That's the reason they were over there "messing" with the Settlers. They were trying to recoup some of the money they had lost fighting the French. Men like John Hancock wasn't having it. He had built a business with the Dutch making leather goods; shoes in particular. He wasn't having England's mess. George Washington became famous for running, and when England got tired of throwing good money after bad, they said, "forget it" and gave the country to the Settlers. England may have thought that the rest of the land was like New England. One great big forest, but it seemed to be spacious in places, sunny in others and plentiful in the middle. We truly won...

Biden or Trump fit the bill of unenthusiastic candidates. Each man has run three times, and technically, this would be Trump's fourth attempt at the Presidency. He has run already, however, but not by winning the popular vote. So, you can say that he didn't win "fair and square". Biden has gotten the biggest push by being Barack Obama's Vice-President. Black people are blind when it comes to Obama. Even if he didn't create one policy that directly change the situation for the African American community. He had his own "trickle down effect". He made blanket policies for the lower and middle-class and hoped that Black people in America could get some relief. He couldn't come in and full-on start giving money to the HBCU's in America like Trump did. He would be called a racist. A man that was out for Black people in this country and would have never been re-elected. Whites had to believe he was neutral in order for him to be effective. McConnell wasn't going to allow him room in the Senate, and Boehner wasn't going to allow him any movement in the House. He wrote a ton of Executive Orders to be able to get anything done in his administration. He stayed free of humiliation and free of scandal, until now!

I just got finished listening to a audio tape of a woman named, Tara Reade. She appeared on a podcast with a woman named Katie Halper. We gotta lift each other up as women. I've done it, believe it or not since I was 14-years old. My father had told me to mind my business. My friend who was 15-years old was being abused by her 20-year old boyfriend. He had appeared suddenly and slapped her across the face, so hard that I heard it and it rang in my ear. She left with him and I continued on a different path. I went to my father and asked him, "What should I do, Daddy?" He had replied, "Nothing. You get into that and she'll be mad at you, because you hit her man. The next day, she'll be right back with him." I took my father's word and watch my friend spiral into drug abuse, prostitution and prison. She was his woman and another thing my father taught me, a woman is who her man is. If you see two people together they have everything in common, or else they would be together. I took his word on that, too. That didn't go for just romantic relationships, but your friends that you hang out with everyday. I learned that part on my own. Halper, is now helping Reade get her story out, because now Biden is running for President and is beating out Bernie Sanders. Sanders who keeps getting maliciously destroyed by the Democratic Party and their ruthless ways. I can't say that a Biden Presidency would be less than a Trump one. Unless he has changed his ways, which I doubt very seriously.

This woman, Tara Reade, was molested by Biden. He went up her skirt and penetrated her with his finger. I wondered if he washed that finger, before he went out and shook hands with some of the most powerful men in the country. Who probably had some other's woman's wetness on his fingertips or some young boys wetness someplace else. Reade is a very brave woman, because Biden is a very powerful man that friends will come out to his defense. That means lying or making excuses for his sexual prowess and perverted ways. It seems that the most powerful and talented people have the biggest flaws and worse sexual appetites that includes teenaged girls and boys. We have to be mindful of these possibilities that may play out in the American White House, as Clinton and Trump did. We must make these men accountable for their deeds. I was raped a few months after I witnessed my friend be abused. The man had stalked me, and when he found me walking alone one night, ran out of bushes and took my soul from me. He tried to capture everything I am in one act. He did not succeed. When he was finished with me, he used my body to raise himself off me and said, "This is your fault. You shouldn't be walking out here in the dark."

Likewise, Biden had did something similar to Reade. He had pointed at her and told her that she was nothing. The final blow from an action that she did not consent to. "You are nothing," and it had stayed with her all this time. It was the piece of the assault that created the shame and destruction that she never asked for. He told her, "I hear you like me." She had just sang his praise in a conversation or in the presence of some pervert that wanted to get credit for getting him more women. She had to withstand a sexual assault and live with it all these years, because Biden felt entitled. "Do you want to go somewhere else?" He had asked her and she was so shaken that he had to calm her. He had to tell her that she would be alright, but before that he had to remind her what she meant to the world; nothing. I can't tell you how I cried after listening to her tell that story. The country is leading with the Corona virus, working to get the country worked up on a virus and people that have no names, while this woman, who has a name tells her story. There is something wrong with that. Biden is winning, finally after years of trying. After once, having to drop out, because he let his true self slip out at the wrong time. He had to drop out in '88. He has always wanted to be President, and following the advice of our Founding Fathers that's exactly why he shouldn't be. Let alone his bad and whorish ways.

As women, we need to stand in the way of men like Biden. We should allow the establishment to disregard the experiences of women in Washington and women everywhere. I know that my time in Oakland County Jail showed me the extent women play in prostitution. They could care less about the women they see as nothing. Women without homes, mental illnesses and prostitutes. They just passed us on to men that did not care. I have had bosses in retail that used their positions and the benefits of their company to get women, harass women and use women. There has to be a time in this country for reparation and Women's Rights. A time when we stand up to men that use us for stock. Something tangible of little or no value, until they put a price on it. They will lie on you and tell people all kinds of falsities about you to get their way. I know that news stations can not hear me and I can not tell my story. Not only did they certify my insane, but they deny me the right to register my car. Make my family turn against me and use our relationship as a means for getting information. They come to the Google website and change the message on my blog. They create syntax errors and grammatical errors and sentences filled errors. They even go into my car, and took out my rear door light, so they can go in undetected. All of this to say one thing to me, "You are nothing!"

The idea that someone can come in your house and take you away and try to ruin you is unthought of. For them to fail and cause you harm for their failure is unbelievable. Jessica Cooper told me that it's her job to prevent crime. The excuse she wants to use for locking me up without cause. They always can make excuses and Tara Reade will be the victim of powerful people making excuses for a man that had no business touching her, or molesting her person. He will lie and deny he ever put his hands on her. I cry so hard for people like the two of us. Caught up in the idea that other women could not resist saying, "Yes!" Before the women that made it possible for these men to think they could get away with it with us. I pray that the story she told will be heard and play out on the six o'clock news. Like they ran all of Trump's indiscretions and that the Democrats will give Bernie a chance.