Wednesday, January 16, 2019


I watch the City Council Meeting last night. Since the sun is going down at around 5:30 pm these days, saying "night" is appropriate. In the summer we can get away with calling it evening, since the sun doesn't go down, until almost 10 o'clock. That's what this blog will be about. Changing... 

I'm talking about what it's like living in Pontiac, and the faces we see that seem to change in certain situations. I've been holding a secret for quite a while. Another man has been able to go to Oakland County Circuit Court and get a Personal Protection Order against me. He went in with information from our Facebook "friendship" and a crooked judge allowed him to swear that I am harassing him. Some fags in Pontiac don't like me. Those are the faces in Pontiac. You can meet a person in Pontiac, have a nice and civil conversation, go to their Facebook page and they are there if a woman, with a woman. If your a man, your their with a bunch of men. Sometimes these men and women are married with children. They have loving husbands and quite a few children. But you can tell by their post that their children have even picked up on their lascivious ways. Their boys are baking cookies and  creating clothes, their young women holding up that "V" and putting their tongue between it. When they started the behavior on social media, I began to know what old friends indulged in lasciviousness. I didn't stop liking them. I just knew that they had two-faces; that's all.

It's just like a liar. Just like a thief. My Momma used to tell us when I was a girl growing up. "If you lie, you'd do anything." I remember, my older sister lied all the time. I remember thinking, "She'll do anything". Because as a child, you believe what comes out of your parents mouth. You have children that don't find out Santa Claus doesn't exist, until they are 15 years old. Because no one has told them differently. No one has disrupted the fallacy that their parents have planted in their head. Once someone does, the first place they run for clarification is their parents. The people that lied to them in the first place. That's the state of the government, today. It is shut down and the only place we can go to find answers is to the very people who are lying and cheating us. It's like no double-edged sword I have ever seen in my life. Due to my ability to have one face that I show everyone, all the time, I get singled out. That's why they were able to send me to prison for something that I did not do. I had no friends, because your back being watched is an illegal thing. I don't do illegal stuff. I wasn't going to prostitute to get myself out of going to prison. Why should I? I never did anything to anyone. Why give myself over to a reprobate mind. So many women start tricking and realize it's not that bad. And when ever they hit a financial crisis, hit the bars and the clubs and "sell some coochie". Its become an easy thing to do.

I was talking to a woman I attended school with. There is an organization she wants to involve me in. She claimed to be having trouble in her personal life. She claimed that it was like mine, but that she's different from me. She said that it was better that she runs things, because they hadn't made her insane or given her prison time. Then I went to "her meeting". She had several of her men friends there, with a lady friend and a coke head. The organization holds it's center her in Michigan in a church, and I left there thinking, "Yeah, that's about it!". They didn't lock her up, because she might enjoy it. You have people in this world that has two and three faces. You never know, they could drop you off at 11. But that's the time the real fun starts in the "other world" of lasciviousness. Your at home thinking their at home getting ready for bed, too, but they are at a gang bang party, having sex with women and smoking crack. This isn't a game, I'm trying to tell a story, until one day you forget your shirt in their car and run down the street to retrieve it. Walk in the door and ask when they coming back and their Momma says they've never been there. Remembering the strange man at the gym asking your friend, "...where she be at?" Now I know, I be at home sleep! One friend just didn't come pick me up, when she was getting into some shenanigans that I was in no way, shape or form interested in being involved with. They won't come get you, if they know that your really not into it, and just doing it to fit in. You're no fun, really.

Now, they are all grown up making non-profits and ascending to new heights and unable to take you along, because you don't prescribe to that kind of mess. I have friends who can't even talk to me, because it's "them" against me. They have been lulled into a false belief that if they stick together, no pun attended, they can beat the system. They have members in every arena and have established themselves as a force in Oakland County. Here's the thing about being lulled into a false sense of security. One day, someone will take that from you. One day, you will wake up and realize that even your "own kind" has turned on you. Your "faces" have led to your demise, because you trusted someone just like you. I always tell this story, but it's fitting. In 1981, my father was part of one of the biggest drug busts in this city. He was arrested by an undercover cop that tooted just as much "mixed jive" as he did. He was so shocked, he said that even while he sat in his jail cell he didn't understand how that cop had got him. But it's the same every time. Trust, people tend to trust someone that holds the same secrets they do. That way, once again, they are lulled into a false sense of security. "Here, do a line!" "Here, take a hit." "Here, sleep with him, or sleep with her." Every time the forces that be have got to take it one step further than the next, because that ain't enough, anymore.

You have to be like me and alone, all the time to survive. Like this sorry excuse for a man has shown me, you can't trust anyone. As soon as you begin to trust that's when you make your biggest mistake and everything begins to become distorted. Even when you do everything right, there is always that one chance for degradation. Then your sitting in your house plotting revenge, when God told you "vengeance is mine". So, you sit and you wonder how he will do his best work.You remember the "faces" the face that lies. The faces that tell a story that's not even there. The trust and the mistrust that brings you to a place of betrayal and self-loathing, because all the signs were there. These days in a corrupt society, you can't win, unless you play on the right team. Some people even play and think they can play who they are playing with, but those people don't play. You think that because you've found a "face" among them that is just like you, you are safe. Well, you are wrong! 

This has been about this weeks Council Meeting...