Friday, March 8, 2019

Randy Carter...What's Up with the Weed?

Councilman Randy Carter
I spent a lot of my time at City Hall this summer. After the election, it got pretty hectic. People had voted for marijauna in Pontiac. I think that all drugs should be legalized. In my opinion, the police make more money off illegal drugs than anyone. There was a group of cops that wanted to stop the legalization of pot in Michigan. Benny Napoleon wasn't going to honor the passing of the law. He explained that it was illegal as far as the Federal government was concerned, and he was going to abide by Federal law. A few weeks ago, I saw him on Flash Point with Devin Scillian, and he had changed his tune. Why would you arrest people that the Attorney General has made it clear they won't prosecute? That's a waste of time and tax payers money. Besides, weed is a low-level crime. Those people that sell weed are ones afraid to do serious time that crack, coke and heroine gets you. Anytime, I have seen a large amount of weed is in a huge drug bust. Weed is a secondary drug. Relatively harmless, and that's why its legal, today.

I'm thinking that Randy Carter approached me with the marijauna, because of my family's past. My brother, for those who know me, is doing 17 1/2 years for "Conspiracy: to manufacturing or delivering 650 grams of heroine or cocaine". It originally had a front of 30 years that's a degree of Life. Also, my father was involved in the drug game in Pontiac. I have a sorted past with drugs in my family. I would like to say that we've broken that curse in my family and all my nephews are law abiding citizens. I guess that Mr. Carter has the wrong impression of me, because everyone that knows me, knows that I was broken by my fathers drug abuse. I want nothing to do with drugs. I love my brother and do all I can for him. He will tell you that my mother, sister, brother and I begged him to stop. In life, sometimes you have to see thing through to the end, and there is no stopping in the middle to "get yourself together". You gotta to see your mess go until the end, even if it means doing a lot of time.

I didn't go into great details when speaking with Randy Carter, because I felt my life was none of his business. I just turned to him and looked him in the eye and said, "You know I don't do drugs?" Especially, if he was talking up on drug dealing, even if it's legal drug dealing. Due to his writing of an illiterate ordinance that obviously written wrong. Along with Kermit Williams, Gloria Miller and Doris Taylor-Burks supporting it, just because the Mayor doesn't is stupid. Saying it, is the personification of jealousy. Williams said it was about egos, and he's right; his! Who would pass something that is no good, for the sake of going against someone? Just because your ego can't agree, and you refuse to be wrong. They say they have to have "something". Why can't the "something" be the Mayors proposal? One man stood up and said, "Thank you, 300 yards would put me out of range." He'll pay for that, and I mean literally pay. His shop is in Carter's district. I guess he thinks I would know something about drugs, which I do, but the game has changed tremendously in the last 20 years. My brothers case changed the game completely, because they for one, didn't have to have any drugs to charge and convict him. Two, you could be caught in a case with people you don't even know or had ever dealt with! All that's needed that someone in your circle had dealt with them. I'm sure that changed the way they deal.

Randy Carter, Kermit Williams, Gloria Miller and Doris Taylor-Burks have created a conspiracy of sorts. The idea that Randy Carter was talking to me about things that hadn't even happened yet is beyond me. It makes me think his wife's being elected to her seat in the House of Representatives was more of a "money grab" than a legitimate run. To this day, my Facebook homepage is a election post from him. Usually, they last a week or so. This post from Carter will only go away if I block him. The police control Facebook. They use my feed to try and make me feel bad about myself. They post pornographic messages from my friends and so-called put-downs and body shaming post. I learned that I was attractive when I was 16 years old. My sisters, it was their job, told me I was ugly all my life. I stopped believing them. A man angry, because he wants to be a woman, won't make me start believing it, again. This post from almost a year ago of Brenda Carter was okay, at first. I respect her, and at first supported her campaign. Until, I found out she supported unions and didn't even support marijauna in Michigan. It seems that she and her husband aren't on the same page, because not only is he for it, but he wrote an ordinance, however lousy, for the placement of dispensaries in the city.

Just like the police who were against it. My identity was stolen, more than likely by the deputies at the Oakland County Jail (OCJ). So far, I have had four houses with lights and gas in my name. In one month, the bill was $300! Someone told me that my information was used to keep a "grow house" going. Nobody can use $300 in lights in one month. These homes were not that large. That is a lot of lights and gas. Detroit is full of this kind of nonsense and when I spoke to the people at DTE, they seemed to be protecting the people who were using my name. These are the same people who shut my lights out three times last year. They did my block, but Mattie Hatchett, whose house I can see my window was lit up. Just like the deputy's, once Pontiac Police Momma that lives down the street who is absent from the skunk infestation, loud cars riding past her house and trash being thrown in her yard or anywhere near her yard. I'm not down for any illegal activities and I don't care who is doing it. I wrote a beautiful blog on Representative Carter, before she won. I respect her a great deal. I don't know what her husband is up to, but it smells like no good. Young drug dealers are on my block all summer long, in front of my apartment making noise at all times of the night. 

I had to fight with those uneducated "ghetto superstars" at DTE for months. I kept finding out I had houses with lights in my name in Detroit. They refused to turn off the service and told me that they didn't know who I was. Maybe I was the thief! The first time in 2013, it was Comcast. They had security systems and the whole nine yards in my name. Didn't pay, and stole all the equipment. If this is what's going to happen in Pontiac, we'll be in trouble. How Councilman Randy Carter knew what the State was going to do is beyond me. Shutting down dispensaries and making it hard to get licenses. It seems that he has some inside information that the rest of us don't know about. The idea that the Council Members want to pass something out of spite, let's me know they are up to some dirty work. They've decided that beyond anything they want to go against the Mayor, even if it's not right for the city. People wanting to benefit from our city, clapped for Kermit Williams and they don't even live here. If at all possible, he should be impeached. He's looking for a chance to make some money. It's always a "money grab" with him. Always some kind of scheme to get some money he don't deserve and Councilwoman Gloria Miller giving the same speech week after week. She's taking on the STEM program with a need for bleachers. Bleachers? She is light on city business, and need to read a book to increase her vocabulary and governmental responsibilities beyond the Mayor's successes.

There needs to be a meeting of the minds. I can't be there, and they've made sure of that. As a winner, it's not surprising that Kermit Williams invites losers to the table. I have power beyond what he could fathom. Power that I don't even know, but I get from people telling me to carry on. Just like our Mayor. Kermit Williams lost the Mayoral Election and the election for the House, won by Brenda Carter. A sore loser will always do their best to destroy the work of a winner. I might not have won any elections, but I have won battles seen and unseen. Winners supporters don't have to show up and eat chicken nuggets and disrespect the process. Winners come to the table with ideas, and hopes for the future. Not lies and garbage, because they are involved in activities becoming of a loser. When the come together to sort out this mess. I pray that they come with a clear understanding of what is going on. Not greed, nor speculation or contentions that comes from ignorance. When you don't know be silent, and not go on rants to prove a point. It only further shows your ignorance.