Wednesday, September 18, 2019

An Open Letter to Mrs. Deirdre Waterman: Mayor of the City of Pontiac

Dear Honorable Mayor Waterman:

First I would like to thank you for your tireless comment to the City of Pontiac. You have brought this city from obscurity. We have fought many battles, seen and unseen. Your efforts to move us forward is a testament to your ability to "fight the good fight". You stay the course towards better days. Again, I thank you and your administration. Jane, Dewayne, Alex and Troy are on the forefront, working with you and for you to bring about the change that is so needed in this city. I believe that your efforts will bring this city back from potential ruin. In my opinion, you only have our best interest at heart.

Last week, I wrote a blog about bonds. I stand by everything that I wrote in that blog. I don't think at this point, it would be wise to seek bonds for the reconstruction of the Phoenix Center. I don't think that all the avenues have been researched and implemented. I would ask that you would make an effort, to find a partner in these last two months you have to meet the terms of the deal. I know you are a woman with a strong will. I know that you have your mind focused on the task at hand. Sometimes the job is so much that you can't focus. You cannot see the potential on new thoughts and new ideas. I hope, however, that you don't take my blog as a hit to your plans for the city. Sometimes, people have a difference of opinions. It does not mean that you have to throw away the entire relationship. I'm sure, you can relate, because you lived with one of the greatest litigators in Michigan's history. His war with L. Brooks Patterson was infamous. You manage to not only be his peace, but survive in such a fiery living situation. I can see now how you made it. You are a force, and like my old friend Bob Kaiser used to tell me. "Water finds its own level." If you were on his level you are great in your own right. I respect that immensely. So, please know that.

I writing this letter to ask you for a favor as a constituent, as a constituent and citizen that voted for you in the last election. Please, stop going to those City Council Meetings. I have set flyers out in the city to recall Kermit Williams. Sadly, I have not received any feedback. I think that my flyers were taken down. I would go to the meetings to make a public announcement, but you know what's going on with that. After last weeks blog, I was courted by people to start coming back to the meetings. I am not a dog that you punish and austrucize when you don't like my views, and welcome me when you like my opinions. Besides, you get enough disrespect at those city council meetings that I would never stand in that place and try and under-mind your precepts about your work. I think that maybe there is something that I don't know. I did do the survey and I did pick a venue. I wouldn't attend either, honestly. My current situation makes every city function a trap for me and I make an effort to not attend any of them. On account of my freedom is valuable to me, therefore, I digress.

I want you to stop attending these meetings for that very reason. Those meetings are one of the major places that we as citizens can see you working. President Williams gives this city a cruel and disrespectful view of who you are. He demonizes you, and makes your presence there that of a pariah and not the great leader you are. He will not let you speak, or give an opinion. He claims that you go on too long. Councilperson Patrice Waterman's vernacular is so harsh and damning. Every word that comes out of her mouth is spewed like a venom meant to cut to the core and negate everything you have to say, and everything the Council is trying to accomplish. Heavy sighs and sharp movement that are caught on camera and are intended to spark a atmosphere of  treason. She is always the first to stand-up and walk-out in an act of defiance. Always the one that points out what they are doing wrong, but I wonder if she tries to fix it?

I don't know, because it is the Council's meeting, does that mean that they have a right to act a fool? You go to that circus, every week. You and the Deputy Mayor are so classy. Even when you get angry, your actions are still as "cool as a cucumber". That's how I now that you represent our city well in court, a county or state meeting. I cannot say the same about the other council members. Williams no longer allows his council members to rant for more time than allotted time that they have. Instead of spending her time on you, Councilperson Gloria Miller talks about her district and their problems. That I still thinks that she somehow wants to make your fault. That's why council-people have district to be able to budget for the care of their land. If she has a problem with grass and trees she needs to budget to have the lawn mowed in certain areas and sidewalks. I still do not think that she understand what her job is, however, and I think she should take a civics class. Randy Carter, the cussing councilman has problems with you. So deep that he made a video and referred to you and your Deputy Mayor as a "Skank" and a "Ho". You handled that so well. Thank you...

I never did hear any of the Council denounce his views. No righteous indignation from any of the women up there! A testament to the way they feel about themselves and other women in our community. They can't see that, because their focus is all on YOU! Their vision of what a woman is is lost, because of their resentment of YOU! I don't think that Randy Carter likes women. I don't think that he respects them. Having been in close relationships with abused women in my past. Men don't say, "I respect all women, just not those two women". What is that? He disrespected every woman in this city when he called "Skanks and "HO's". I was offended! His wife, State Representative Brenda Carter, never made a statement about her righteous indignation about her husbands vile and inhumane words. I haven't heard anything publicly. If she did it privately that is not acceptable. The apology should equal the disrespect. He did it in public and he should apologize in public. Swiping past it and walking out is nuts! This is a Trump America! When a man of his office calls names? Rep. Carter has had death in her family. Mrs. Carter lost her son. I would respect her grieving, but I am her friend on Facebook. She has not missed a day of political banter online, since her own son's death. Everyday, she has, in her own words, posted political commentary. Even where it pertains to her family. Besides, while he calling "HO's", he has men sleeping out in the open at a closed and condemned restaurant. Yes, there was a man yesterday, around eight o'clock sleeping on a mattress at the old KFC on Baldwin. He made it clear where his district ends and Councilperson Pietilia begins, and it's his district.

You have a degree in Medicine. Deputy Mayor DiSessa has a Master's in Public Administration. None of the Council member have that kind of education or experience. I know Taylor-Burks has a Master's, but I don't think it is in Public Administration. You should be held at a high esteem. You have so much class, in my opinion, because you never point out the lack of education among the Council. Pontiac is infamous for alienating people that don't fall in line with their ways. Even if you fit into one category, if you don't fall into all, you are dismissed. That's my biggest problem in this city. I want you do stop going to those meetings. PLEASE. The charter says you should be there, but I say, based on "Robert's Rules of Order" that you need to be respected while you are there. If you cannot be, as a constituent, please! I hate the way Williams make you look small. I hate the way he brings you down to a level that is unbecoming of your stature as a Mayor. I hate it! You deserve so much better. I know that is the largest forum that allows you to reach the people. I say you use your platform to create a forum that you control and you can shine in your own light.

This country was built on a set of rules. Those rules are signified in our Constitution. One of the most overlooked decrees in the our Constitution. The right to start over and rewrite the rules, when they fail to work based on a corrupt government. Kermit Williams is practicing anarchy in that City Council Chambers. He breaks all the rules when he want, when he doesn't follow the rules set forth by "Robert's Rules of Order". That is the accepted conduct in all open meeting and is the general rule of order across this country. Everytime he ignores you and don't allow you to speak, he disregards "Robert's Rules", he is breaking the law and therefore those meetings are anarchy in full effect. Since no one seems to want to change it or do anything about it. Please remove yourself and exercise some anarchy of your own. Showing up, is just giving him a platform to make you look bad. We both know that how you treat people is a direct reflection of how you feel about yourself. We also know that sometimes people don't care. When people don't care, we have to and just walk away. You are not dealing with ethical and moral people. You are working with a set of laws, and not a set of ethics. What you do is governed by rules that are not being followed. Seek your recourse that doesn't include judges. I love you with the love of God. Peace... 
