Thursday, January 16, 2020

Lewd Lucido

Senator Pete Lucido
Women in Michigan are in trouble. A State Senator made overtly sexual comment to a news reporter, yesterday. We are going to leave her nameless, I guess. I don't want to exploit her. She is a victim and a pretty one at that. Lucido must have had sexual awakenings when he laid eyes on the young woman. She is 22-years-old, and it seems that some men lust after younger women. They see them as fresh and at the peak of their sexuality. I was at the emergency room (ER) at St. Joseph Mercy Oakland about two-weeks ago. There was a man who worked there giving me an EKG. That is a very uncomfortable thing for men to have to do. If you have big breast, which I do, they can get in the way of the sticky things and the clips that go on, after the sticky things. The gentleman placing the devices on my chest was relieved to see that I didn't have on an under-wire bra. He blew out a sigh of relief and said, "Good, I can do this with your bra on!" I replied, "Yes, I stopped buying under-wire bras a few years back. They are uncomfortable, can make a metal detector go off and they say they aren't the best. I still own a few, though. This is your lucky day, I didn't wear one." He went on about his business, and would look down at me occasionally and ask, "Is it okay that I place this here?" After a while I just told him, "As long as you don't make any overt moves to touch my breast, you are fine. I just had a young man do one at Beaumont. I'm fine." I was fine, as long as I didn't get the impression that he was on some kind of sexual quest to "feel me up", I wasn't that uncomfortable. He had some problems, however, on the job before.

"Yeah," he continued. "I don't even do this on teenagers 16 or 17, even if their parents are there." I looked over to him and asked why? "They don't get my humor and start thinking I'm coming on to their kid." I asked him the one-million dollar question, "Could it seem like your coming on to them?" He looked at me funny, but he started the conversation. "Hey, women are at their peak at that age. The are their most beautiful. These women walking around here 23 and 24 working, should be married to an NFL player or something!" It was my turn to give him a look. "They are gorgeous. Walking around here smelling good and wearing tight clothes." I lay down and stopped looking at him when we spoke. I knew that he had a liking for younger women. He was a bald middle-aged man. He wore a wedding ring and seemed normal and harmless, until he opened his mouth and said the things that were coming out. He was one a "male chauvinist pig" and two a sexual deviant that liked young women. If you are turned on by women in scrubs, you have issues. He obviously had been doing what the women in the hospital claimed was sexual harassment, because he was guilty about putting my stickies on my chest around my breast, and under my breast. I wasn't sure if he thought I was attractive, even though I thought that's why he was being so cautious with me, and I asked. "I'm not attractive, am I?" I didn't know his tastes. He was obviously a White man and I am a Black woman, but the conversation made me curious.

"Yeah, you are alright, but you aren't young." I adjusted my arms under my cover and said, "No, this year I'll be 50." He pointed at the monitor on the screen and said, "Yeah, I know." It doesn't take more than a minute for an EKG and it was taking us longer than that, because of the conversation. I was quiet, because I wanted to be out of the situation as quickly as possible. He was starting to make me feel uncomfortable. Besides, I had said that I like LeBron James, "he looks like my little brother". Then I thought that was a little like incest. But I have heard numerous times that people pick mates, because they resemble family members and it's like a spark of recognition of what they are used to. Similarly, people pick mates that also act like people in their lives that lead to dysfunction. All of that would be lost on a guy like this. He had mentioned women looking for a man with money to take care of them. If women are pretty, they shouldn't even bother going to school to be a nurse, a doctor or a ultra-sound techs. These are all jobs in the hospital that makes a wage, so good that you don't need a man to take care of you or help you. My aunt was a nurse over 40-years. My sister is a doctor, and my cousin is an ultra-sound tech. All of them can and at times be free of a man's presence in their lives, and live comfortably. He saw this in the women in the hospital and was uncomfortable with it.

I tell this story as a pre-requisite to the obvious objectification of women that goes on in this country. Not just this male technician at the hospital, Lucido and Trump. All over this country and with the backlash from the #Metoo Movement, you'd think that situations like the one I discussed and the one with the young reporter would never happen in these times. They do, however, and you would think men would be more cautious in their handling of their emotional reactions to a situation. I say "emotional", because a woman in Lucido's presence brings up sexual feelings. Just like that tech at St. Joe. The thought of a woman's breast or bare body parts takes him to a place of sexual gratification. With Lucido and a bunch of young men, he is taken to a "good ole Boys" place of lasciviousness. Not only did he want one of the young men to be pleasured by the young reporter, but all of them to be pleasured by her! In my day, we called that a "Train". Every man taking turns, having sex with one woman. I know 15-years ago they called it a "Busto". I don't know what they are calling it now, but the mere suggestion is disgusting and horrifying. I believe the porn star, Jenna Jamison, did something like that to the extreme in Las Vegas. Hundreds of men lined up to have a sexual encounter with the porn-star and I believe she set some kind of record. Why would a man of that stature imply that one woman, of sound mind and judgment, wants to have sex or "have fun" with that many young men? It seems that the idea of men and women in the same space, conjures sexual scenarios with Lucido. He claims that he said something similar to a group of young women about a young man in their presence. So, this is nothing new to him and he claims that we all are over-reacting and taking things out of context. The sign of a Narcissist. Blame everyone but yourself, the person that did the unthinkable.

I remember in junior high, boys slapped our butts. They took two-fingers and undid the clasp on our bra. Sending us running to the bathroom to fix it. There was nothing done, and all I ever seen from a teacher was a stern look of warning. Those men are productive parts of our society, today. That, however, was a different time. My sister's nine-year-old, now 22, almost got kick out of Auburn Hills Schools for getting caught kissing a little girl under the slide. She said when she got there to meet with the little girl parent, she was astonished to see how the fourth grader was dressed. She explained the child wore knee-high boots. When I was nine, I was still wearing Seseame Street clothes from JC Penney. As we change over from sexual-submission to sexual-defiance, our children are growing up faster and faster. Words like those from Lucido are becoming more of the norm and less of a joking matter. Where does the people in society draw the line on sexual exploitation. Men like Lucido are who I wrote while in the Oakland County Jail, fighting for my right to remain celibate and not have sex with strange men in the jail's clinic! I wrote numerous Senators and Representatives and asked for help and none never came. I got a letter from a Representative Vincent Gregory that told me that I was writing the wrong person. I need to write to the MDOC County Jail Service Unit. I started writing a letter every week. When the man who got the letters came to the jail and saw who I was, he was shocked that I was a Black woman. He checked my face and the number on my sell, and resigned himself to the idea that I was such an articulate and resourceful person. Then he leaned down and said, "You know, you don't have to write a letter every week." I replied, "Yes, I do!"

Macomb County Prosecutor Eric Smith
Yesterday, the Jail Task Force, or whatever, presented 18 suggested legislation to combat the jail and prison problem we have in Michigan. No where in those 18 suggested legislation did they mention corruption. Not the police, sheriffs or judges. None of these people are part of the problem, just the laws? We know that a judge can make the law whatever they want it to be. I learned that first hand, when Judge Colleen O'Brien sent me to prison on a 90-day Pre-Sentence Investigation (PSI) report. When I violated the terms of my probation, her only recourse was to go back to my PSI guidelines and not over them. My guidelines were 0-90-days, which means, unless she could prove extenuating circumstances, I could only do 90-days in jail. She over-sentenced me and didn't have to answer to no one for it. She sent me to prison for 18-months to 5-years. I did four of those years, and maxed out on parole. On a 0-day sentence. In the prostitution ring, they give people due many years in prison months in jail. Even violent "Armed-Robbery" convictions, where a weapon was used in the crime. The Judicial Tenure Commission is a joke and only used to punish those who embarrass the gang or who are being punished by them. When I see legislators like Lucido on television, justifying his behavior with "I did it last week". Like his behavior is the standard by which we all live and get our being, I get so angry. These are the people that are supposed to get the police, judges and corrupt administrators in check. Lucido is in Macomb County, where the Prosecutor, Eric Smith is in charge. Smith who the State came to his residence and took cameras off his roof.

My Senator in the 12th District of Michigan says she is having trouble in the Senate. Senator Rosemary Bayer is pushing for education reforms that will help our children. It goes hand and hand with the crime rates in communities. People usually come form the juvenile system, into the adult jail system. Many of them lack a high school diploma or GED. Not only in the urban districts of Pontiac, Detroit, Benton Harbor and others. She is pushing for reform in rural areas of the State, where children are also being left behind for more affluent and suburban cities. Men like Lucido block her efforts and it gets her frustrated to be able to move or education system to a fair and equitable place. I know that my push for real prison reform will be hindered by these men. They probably frequent whorehouses and places of ill-repute, where women are used for sexual gratification and objectified. or have extra-marital affairs with mistresses and "friends". To this day I am harassed and caused harm. I can't get a registration or tab from the Secretary of State (SOS). They claim I don't have insurance. The insurance company claims that I'm not insured by them. My tires are attacked, I don't have a blower to blow heat in my vehicle and so on and so on. I have no recourse, because of men like Lucido and their secrets that keep them indebted to those that cause such harm to a woman. We are worthless and should just submit, because it would make life easier. I will not digress and I will not give in... Shame on you SENATOR Lucido for your blatant disregard for women in our State and our ability to reach new heights in our lives and careers. SHAME ON YOU!!!

Senator Lucido Explanation of his remark...