Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Reverend Doctor Douglas Jones...Preachers!

Councilwoman Doris Taylor-Burk
I got "saved" in 1996 at Liberty Missionary Baptist Church, over on Fisher Street. My cousins went to that church all their lives. If I wanted to spend the night on Saturday, I had to go to church on Sunday. Being the heathen I was, I tried to get over their house on Friday. Silly as it seems, I loved it there so much that by Saturday afternoon, we were having so much fun, I would call my mother to spend another night. That means I had to go to church, anyway. At that time, Reverend Alvin Hawkins was the Pastor. He was a tall light-skinned man with a bald head and glasses. I can't remember a word he preached. Not a phrase, scripture or hymnal that was involved in his sermons. I did, however, know I was there. It is always emotional to be in a Baptist church. Every Easter, we would get a new dress and go to church, too. Liberty that is embedded in my childhood. My cousins got older and I stopped spending the night. They got jobs and track and volleyball, and my their mother started to only requiring Sunday School. After a while church was not an issue, even if my cousin Annie went anyway. She even worked all through high school and would go on the Sundays she didn't work. She made everyone look like heathens...God rest her soul!

So, when I had problems at my job and quit with rent due in a week, I had no idea what I would do. I lay in my bed in the sun, everyday. I had no way of escaping the light, I had no way to escape my God. I wrote in my journal one day, "I don't know what going on, but tomorrow, I'm going to church and making it right!" It took me two Sundays, but on that second Sunday, I did what was right and turned my life over to Christ. It went fast, too. I was going so fast and learning and growing on God's Grace. There were several men in the Crystal Lake District that I revered; as I should. There was my Pastor, Reverend Billy D. Allen, Solomon Smith Sr. His junior my classmate. Reverend McDonald (Friendship), Reverend Thompson (Messiah), Reverend Johnson (New Bethel) and a host of cast and character. Reverend Doctor Jones was one of these men. They taught me most of what I know about the Bible and lessons and stuff. Mostly, they taught me that Baptist Preacher cheat on their wives. They not only hit on me, but all the women around me. That's part of this, but not all. The ministers kidded with one another and called each other doctor. When in reality, there was only one doctor among them and that was Dr. Theodore Smith.

I respected Rev. Jones, Welcome Missionary Baptist Church, until last night. He got up in the City Council Meeting and said that the Mayor had made a promise to move the Glenwood Plaza Project forward, for Dr. Doris Taylor-Burk.   She's mad, because she isn't getting action as soon as she wants it. Last week, to the "Car Wash" and showed how she is trying to hide and the mess she won't keep clean. She needs money and she needs money bad. I know that Kone Bowman is in needs of funds and he thinks that he's going to get it out of Fed Ex. After my blog about his wife trying to listen in on my session with my nurse practitioner at CNS , he backed out of the City Council position vacated by the late Councilman Don Woodward. The Fed Ex situation has seemingly gone silent. Randy Carter gave a bit of information about a "code name" for Amazon; desperately. These people are hungry and can't get beyond sitting at a table feasting off the people of Pontiac. They are vicious little monsters that are hangry with the Mayor for not allowing them to eat. Douglas Jones standing at that podium mad me angry. He doesn't even live in Pontiac. There was a time that all the pastors in Pontiac lived in Pontiac and held a stake in our situation. Coming her on Sunday morning, holding Bible study on Wednesday and Choir rehearsal on Thursday is not living in Pontiac.

They keep talking about a grocery store. All the people are going to do is steal! Rob whatever company that comes there out of all of their goods. Crooks are already getting themselves prepared for selling the merchandise to local stores and restaurants in the area. Not to mention the cashier that will "hook-up" their friends and family and who you will never find at the check-out buy their allotment of groceries for their home. Besides, what does a preacher have to do with mind altering drugs? He should be far from any situation where drugs, legal or illegal are being discussed. This entire thing makes him look bad. There is no reason for a minister to have any dealing with the marijuana business in Pontiac. If he has an ailment that medical marijuana helps with pain and discomfort, I would see no problem with him endorsing marijuana. When he comes to that podium and talks about a grocery store and dispensaries, I have to take a second look. Are you a preacher or a drug dealer? Plus, several Pontiac preachers were regulars at Sears. As you recall they were running a stealing ring out of that store, up until they closed. A few of them went to Forever 21 at Great Lakes Crossing. Forever 21 is closing, if its not closed already!

They are trying to weasel their way into this marijuana. The same people that closed the Summit Place Mall and trying to break Great Lakes Crossing. This ring is diabolical and they have a hold on Reverend Jones. Like I said, he was a regular at Sears and I know that you can't survive in this city without being a part of the scam. Taylor-Burk was a member of Liberty, when I was a member some 20-years ago. She got a solo in the choir. She did a duet with Ms. Graham and did a lousy job, but she gave plenty of money to the church. So, she got to sang. Rev. Jones, may have become acquainted with her then. I know I became acquainted with him doing Girl Scouts. He was willing to help, but I was turned off by his "friend". We have to understand that these preachers are scammers and cheaters and we must not take their endorsements seriously. I can see this project is a racket. All the players are involved in a racket, and just because Rev. Jones has put his two-cents in hasn't changed my mind one bit. If I see him out there with one of his parishioners with a truck, cleaning that mess up at the "Car Wash", I will be satisfied. Since he doesn't live here, he has no business telling the Mayor how to run her city. He and all the preachers holding church on Sunday in Pontiac, but going home to a half-a-million dollar home, can keep their two-cent in their pocket!

Back in 2010, before the Oakland County Sheriff took over Pontiac Patrol, Sheriff Michael Bouchard went to Rev. Jones to secure the contract. I was in a meeting where Rev. Jones played defense for Bouchard. He kept everyone at bay, but I spoke out of turn and asked the hard questions. Like, "How can White deputies patrol a predominately Black city.? Because Oakland County doesn't hire Black deputies!" Where Rev. Jones lives, there are no Blacks patrolling his streets, and he doesn't care about us. What he was concerned about is his members getting jobs with Oakland County and paying tithes to Welcome Missionary Baptist Church. A favor from ole Mike, for getting those who trust Jones in Pontiac to allow the contract. Now, I know that they are running a whorehouse in the jail's clinic. And targeting our young women to be sold. I'm sure they'll be jobs for his members at the grocery store and free food, too! We don't have anything good in Pontiac, because Pontiac is not good. Drugs have taken over our city and the people in it, are using all of their efforts to steal whatever's not nailed to the floor. It's just sad and even sadder when the clergy get's involved. We must be focused on prosperity and not getting over. As Christians, the effort should always be on the law. Jesus said, "Give unto Caesar, what is Caesar's" Corruption is not what Caesar wants...